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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week 1

Hello everybody!

Welcome to our first blog of the year.

As you can imagine the last half term was extremely busy but we are pleased to say that all of the children have settled in and are really enjoying coming to pre-school each day.


We have been very busy over the last half term and this week.  Here is a slideshow of us familiarising ourselves with our new classroom and learning all about 'tidy-up time', 'snack time', 'the daily mile' and most importantly 'play time!'


This week we have been learning about 'Winnie the Witch' which then lead us onto talking about dressing up for Halloween.  We drew pictures about what we dressed up as and talked to the grown ups and our friends about how many sweets we got in our buckets (and where our Mums have hidden them)!


We also went on the daily mile and had a pumpkin race.  Some children carried them, but they were very heavy, some children rolled them and some children kicked them along the floor.  It was very funny!


The next day we carved the pumpkins in our groups and chose whether to have happy faces or scary faces.

The children described the inside of the pumpkin as 'gross', 'slimy', 'soggy' and 'seedy'.

We then went to the ALPS (that is the Adventure Learning Progress Space- the woods at the side of our school) to have a story with the pumpkins and play with our friends.
Well, we think we are playing, but look at all of the learning we are doing!

We hope you have enjoyed reading our first blog of the year.


We will be back next week.

Have a fun but safe Bonfire Night!
