Week 2
Congratulations to Lisamarie for receiving the achievement award this week for reading aloud to the whole class, well done Lisamarie. A second achievement award also went to Rubie for using a mnemonic to help a friend spell because, well done Rubie. The mnemonic we use for because is; big elephants can always understand small elephants.
Also congratulations to Grace for completing a lap around our race track, keep it up Grace!
This week we have been learning about mass. We have learnt that mass is measured in grams, a paperclip weighs about 1g. We also found out that 1000g is equal to 1kg. Investigate how heavy different food is at home by reading the side of the packet. What is the heaviest food you can find? What is the lightest?
We have written our own adventure story this week! After thinking about the pictures we drew last week, we created a story about what happened after they came alive!
It was also World Book Day this week which the children loved! A big thank you to all of the grown ups who helped to create your outfits and to those who donated books or money. Have a look at the fantastic photographs below.
Have a wonderful weekend, remember to look after the special ladies in your life on Sunday!
Lots of Love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth & Mrs Stirrup
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