Welcome back!
This week we have welcomed two children into the number 4 club.
Happy birthday boys
Ellie is getting very excited because she knows that we have now jumped onto the yellow balloon (February) and this means it will be her birthday soon.
This week we welcomed Paul back into school to run our PE session. WE focussed on balancing and throwing this week. He said that he thinks we are ready to begin learning about different types of kicking next week.
The children love 'Paul from the hall' and look forward to his sessions each week.
We had another visitor in school on Tuesday. Nicola from the Local Authority Raising Attainment team came in to support the teacher's in beginning our 'Floorbooks' sessions. The children have shown a keen interest in 'builders' during our topic 'People Who Help Us' and we created a mystery box full of tools and images about builders.
We looked at the resources and questioned and pondered about what the tools were used for and even attempted to draw some of the tools in our new floorbook.
Elliott knew all about the tools and explained that his Daddy is a builder and can fix things. Well done Elliott!
The children are beginning to notice smaller details when drawing and are becoming more competent in controlling their pencil.
Later in the week, Eibhlin wanted to draw a carriage for Aurora (sleeping beauty) we thought about the features a carriage has and the shape of the carriage then Eibhlin drew this completely independently!
What another busy but fun week.
Thank you to all of the parents/ grandparents for your patience at dropping off and collection time whilst the snow plan was in place. Hopefully, we won't need to do it again next week!
See you all next week