Week 5
Congratulations to Ava. She has won the achievement award for settling in well to year 1 – she tries her best in everything she does and it’s like she has always been here. Well done, we love having you here Ava, you have left your certificate in school, so you can pick it up on Monday.
Also congratulations to Alfie W, Stelaa and Cassie and have all completed a lap around our race track! Well done!
This week we have introduced our new story, ‘The Night Before Christmas.’ Yes, can you believe it, it’s that time of year again! We have been thinking about the characters in the story and we have done lots of work describing them using similes. Ask us at home!
We have been learning about fractions this week. We need to be able to identify halves and quarters of shapes. Can you help us at home by asking us to cut our food into halves and quarters? How many quarters make a whole? We will continue our fraction work next week.
Today we have been researching a very cold place called the Artic. It is in the Northern Hemisphere, furthest away from the equator. What would you pack to travel there?
This week we have continued learning about the seasons. We made observations to find out about the changes that happen from season to season. We drew an autumn tree and a winter tree. We will come back to this in Spring and Summer to make observations again. We also began investigating the weather, we made our own weather vane and rain gauge – have a look at them on the playground. Some of us even had a go at presenting the weather! (I will put the videos up ASAP).
See you on Monday!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stirrup x x x x x