Week 6
Congratulations to Maisey. She has won the achievement award for having a fabulous attitude to learning, keep it up. Well done, we are very impressed.
Next week will be the last time this year that you can complete the race track! Get reading for a Christmas treat!
Monday is PARTY day! You can come to school dressed in your party clothes!! Wow! We can't believe its so close to the end of term, it has gone so quickly!
We have been writing letters to Father Christmas this week. We have used adjectives to describe what we wanted so that he knew exactly what it was. Some of us have written 2a sentences. This is a special type of sentence which has two adjectives separated by a comma with a noun at the end. For example: I would like a pink, sparkly bike. They are very tricky to write! What adjectives can you use to describe things at home.
We have continued to learn about fractions this week. We have learnt about halves, quarters and three quarters of a whole. We have learnt a song about fractions, ask us to sing it. Can we find the fraction words in the song?
We have finished our hot and cold topic this week. We have found the Arctic and Antarctic Circle on the globe (far away from the equator, so they are cold). We also learnt about compass directions (north, south, east and west) and moved the Beebot in different directions on the world map. Finally we looked at hot and cold colours and did some art work in the style of Kadinsky. We will label these as hot and cold colours in our books on Tuesday.
See you on Monday! Get your dancing shoes on!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Stirrup x x x x