Can you believe that is already the last week of the first term in pre-school.
This week we have been finishing off all of our amazing gifts for you at home.
We have made snowmen from socks, Christmas cards, chocolate pudding truffles and wrote a letter to Santa. Look at how pleased we were with our letters
We had our Christmas party this week too.
We played Pin the star on the Christmas tree, Christmas bingo and pass the parcel. We won lots of fabulous prizes and some yummy prizes too!
Then we went to the hall to have a boogie. We were surprised to see some of our favourite characters there too!
The children behaved in an exemplary manner and the smiles on their faces were a joy to behold.
We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and are looking forward to seeing you in 2019.
We will be on the orange balloon then.
Remember we return on Tuesday 8th January
See you soon