Happy New Year and welcome back to our very first blog of 2019!
We are pleased to report that the children have returned ready and raring to go and that's great as we have a lot to fit in during this half term.
The first half of the spring term we will be focusing on Traditional Tales. We will be revisiting all of the stories that you will probably know really well and this makes your support invaluable in helping your child to learn and develop.
This week our first text is The Three Little Pigs. We have had 3 different stories all with different endings and different story lines. Let's take a look at this weeks learning.
We started the week off thinking about the events that happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Here we are with our work looking very proud and rightly so. When we send your child home with a reading book this is a really good skill to talk about - encourage your child to talk about an event at the beginning, middle and end of their reading books, this helps develop their language, vocab and order of a story.
We have also been testing the strength of materials to see which material would be best to build a house with. This is just one of our amazing designs depicting a house that we could build to keep out the big bad wolf.
As one of this weeks continuous provision challenges this week we had to build a house using small bricks, we had been set the challenge of ensuring that we had doors and windows and we used lots of different materials to add details and features to our completed work.
We also used pigs and wolves to help us develop our maths. This week we have been thinking about and exploring number sentences. We had to count the number of pigs and write that number down, identify the sign, count the number of wolves and write that number down and then talk about the equals sign - we then set about working out the answer. Tricky but we never give up

We have also been exploring rhyming words linked to the story - this is something we will continue to develop in the coming weeks as our topic of Traditional Tales lends itself perfectly to this skill.
We ended the week exploring directions and positional language. we had to give clues and use arrows to help the wolf find his way to one of the little pigs houses. We talked about left, right, up, down, turn, backwards.
That's all for this week. Next week we will be using the text Goldilocks and the Three Bears as the focus for our learning. We hope that you have a lovely weekend. Staff and children in Reception W.