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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 11th November 2022

A warm welcome back to our very exciting class blog. This week we have been using the text Commotion In The Ocean to help us with our learning. We have been using the Internet to help us develop our skills and knowledge linked to the animals that live there.

We started the week off by exploring some lovely and exciting invitations to come and play. Here is just one of them. We had so much fun playing together and sharing ideas to make up stories using our wonderful imaginations smiley

We then explored and discussed the animals that live under the sea. We talked, shared ideas, learned new facts and names of animals that we have never seen before. Here we are documenting our learning and using the sounds we have been exploring in Read Write Inc to help us. Keep up the good work of practising at home it really does make  a BIG difference yes

We have also been using our phonic knowledge in different ways when accessing the provision in the classroom. We have been thinking about the initial sounds (first sound) we hear when we say certain words. For example in the word mouse the first sound we hear is m. We set the children a challenge to name and sort the objects according to their first sound. Amazing work. Everyone was super keen and tried really hard. Remember games like I Spy are perfect to help develop this skill further smiley

We have also been developing our grip, in particular our pincer grip. We have been exploring lots of different activities that help us to hold a pencil correctly. Here we are exploring paint with cotton buds and tin foil. It was so much fun smiley

We have also been developing our writing area. As the children's interests develop we like to change our provision to match. Therefore, we have developed a new writing area based upon Alpha Blocks. Take a look at some of the different ways we promote writing in class. More importantly look at what we have produced already. The children are super keen to come and visit the area.

Please remember that Friday morning is our Maths Stay and Play session. We cannot wait to welcome you to class and talk to you about our number of the week work and other things number related. 


Next week we will be using the text What the ladybird heard at the seaside. We are continuing to expose the children to different authors, illustrators and texts linked to animals. Why not have a little read together online before Monday?


Have a great weekend

Staff and children in Reception W smiley
