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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 11th October 2019

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been using the text What the Ladybird Heard as the focus for our learning. This has been the perfect text for developing our memory and recall skills. Let's take a little look at our learning......
Some of us have been using ladybirds to explore writing number sentences. We had to count the spots on each side and then use them to create a number sentence. Take a little look at this example. smiley
We have been using texts to find out more information about ladybirds. We used play dough materials to create our own ladybirds. 
We have also been exploring what we think the different characters from the story might say. Here are some of the animals sounds that we have recorded. Moo said the cow, oink said the hog and quack said the duck. Well done everyone yes
We have also been busy using natural materials to create numbers. We have been thinking about our number of the week, number 5 and used different objects to create number 5. Here is our 5 using leaves. 
In line with our number of the week we have been exploring 5 in lots of different contexts. We have looked at 5 in relation to measure, 5 in relation to time, 5 in relation to spots and 5 in relation to numerals. Here is a little example of some of this weeks work. smiley
We have also explored different materials and media to create images of ladybirds. Take a look at this amazing example. We talked about textures and the number of spots as well as learning about symmetry. 
We have also been matching numeral and quantity using ladybirds and leaves. We had to identify the numeral, count of the correct number of ladybirds and then put them together. We went one step further than that and someone arranged the ladybirds in the same pattern as five on a dice. Wow Ava that's amazingyes

Next week we will be using the text Zog as the final week in this half term. Next week will be all about ordering, counting and matching as well as many opportunities to develop our writing and RWI skills. Don't forget parents evening is next Monday and Wednesday. I look forward to seeing you all then smiley


Have a wonderful weekend

Staff and children in Reception W
