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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 14th February 2020

Hello and welcome back to our final blog of this half term. As you are aware we have been focusing on traditional tales for this half term. This has provided us with many opportunities to develop our reading skills. We have re-told stories, created alternative endings and acted out a variety of tales. smiley
We used pastels to create the images form the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We explored what happened when we applied pressure and when we used the pastels in gentle movements. This is a sample of our amazing art work smiley
Using string we pretended to create plaits for Goldilocks long golden hair. It was tricky at first but if we listened carefully and followed the instructions we could achieve the challenge. Here we are in action
Another challenge this week to help develop our hand eye co-ordination was to try and balance a 1p coin on top of a lemon. This required a steady, slow hand and it took us a while to complete the challenge. What was most pleasing to see was the determination and perseverance the children displayed. Well done everyone yes 
We have explored and read many different versions of the story Goldilocks. The most recent one being about the bears trying to encourage Goldilocks to eat healthily. We then created our own shopping list of healthy foods we could get her to try. 

We hope that you have a wonderful half term. On our return we will be using Superheroes as the focus for our learning. This will provide us with endless opportunities to write. We are super excited. 


Have a lovely holiday


Reception W staff and children smiley
