Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been using the text Cinderella as the focus for our learning and what an action packed week of learning it has been. Let's take a little look at this weeks activities ........
We have continued with our Curiosity Table and each day we have a new and exciting object that we encourage the children to think about its use. We have some wonderful ideas. Here we are are with one of our objects this week. Look at that writing. Isn't it amazing?
We have also been looking at length. We had been set a challenge to make a tower taller than we are, the same size and shorter. Take a look at our efforts.
After reading the story Cinderella we looked closely at the text and in particular the setting. We discovered that some of the story happened at the ball and we wanted to create our own version of the carriage. Sadly it is not pumpkin season so we had to make do with a watermelon! However, this activity prompted such a lot of discussion. We talked about the tools and techniques we needed to use, how we were going to tackle the activity and when we hit a barrier we had to stop, think and change our approach. Wow what a lot of learning! Here we are looking looking very happy with our efforts and rightly so!
We have also been thinking about the different ways we can make number sentences and record the answers. Here are some of the children's efforts. It's such a lovely feeling to see how they put into practise everything they have been taught.
Perfectly linked to the story Cinderella is time. We have been learning about how to tell the time this week using o'clock as the starting point. Here we are using our home made clocks to tell the time. Ask the children to show you what they have learned. We are sure that just like us you'll be really impressed

We have also been using straws to create Cinderella's castle. We have to sketch the outline, select a straw, cut it to size and then create our castle before finalising our plans. This was great for assessing how well children change their approach when faced with difficulties and it was perfect for seeing them change materials to suit their own needs and design
We have also been looking at coins this week and identifying their worth. It's a great thing to do when out and about to let the children use money to pay for items. Many of the children recognise different values and it would be lovely to know that they are putting these skills into practise when out and about with yourselves. We'd love to see photographs of the children using money to buy items. If you have any please come and show us

That's all for this week. Next week we will be using the text Beauty and the Beast as the focus for our learning. Have a wonderful weekend. Staff and children in Reception W