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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 15th September 2017

This week we have been using the text The Very Hungry Caterpillar as the focus for all of our learning. We started the week of by reading the story and answering some questions. We are developing our listening and attention skills by taking part in these types of activities. 

We looked at some of the fruit the caterpillar ate in the story and we cut it open to explore what it was like inside. We had a wonderful discussion about colour, textures and seeds

We have also been developing our fine motor skills and we have been rolling balls of playdough to represent the segments of a caterpillars body. Take a look at some of the finished articles.

Jameel's version of the very hungry caterpillar

We have also been learning about the hungry caterpillar in continuous provision. Noah drew a picture of some of the fruit in a bag. Isn't it wonderful?

We have also been using different types of media to create patterns. This week we have made patterns in sand, shaving foam and slime.

Noah used the calculator to make a repeating pattern. We were very impressed. Well done Noah

We have been taking part in the Daily Mile. Every day for 15 minutes we take the children and complete a mile in lots of different ways, sometimes we walk, jog, run, hop, skip and lots of other fun ways of moving. This is a really important part of our daily timetable as it helps our bodies and minds stay fit and healthy.


Next week we will be using the text FunnyBones and developing our understanding of our bodies and what we can do to stay fit and healthy. 


Have a wonderful weekend. Staff and children in Reception W
