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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 1st April 2022

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been learning all about Spring. We have been thinking about what happens in this season and how animals, plants and we grow. It has been a lovely week packed full of learning. Let's take a little look and find out smiley

We started the week off by watching some spring clips on the Internet. We learned about how baby chicks hatch, how leaves change and what happens to the weather. We created  alist of all of the things we could remember then we had a go at writing about them. Take a look at our work. We are working so hard to develop our writing smiley

We have also been thinking about number order. We are continuing to develop our understanding of numbers 1-10 and gradually introducing numbers beyond 10. We are developing our knowledge and skills linked to order, recognition, application and writing. This is something we will continue to develop throughout the summer term smiley

We have also been thinking this week about patterns. We have been exploring patterns , creating our own and correcting patterns when we see a deliberate mistake. We have been encouraging the children to look around the home and on their way to school to see if they can spot any patterns. Have a look at home. What patterns can you see?

We have also been exploring sketching and recording the sights and signs of spring. Take a look at our collaborative work. Wonderful smiley

We have also been making some observational drawings of flowers. We have been exploring size, shape, colour and form and trying hard to replicate what we see. 

And finally. Our Easter Bonnet Parade. What a wonderful turn out. Thank you so much for your support. The children had an amazing time. Here we are in all our glory smiley

It has been lovely to see you all at parents evening and it has been a pleasure to show you around our wonderful classroom. I hope that you have a wonderful and restful Easter holidays. We will be using lots of the lovely Julia Donaldson stories after half term to help us with our learning. Exciting times ahead.


Enjoy the holidays

Reception Staff and Children
