Hi there and welcome back to our blog. This week all of our learning has been focused on The Rainbow Fish. We have explored colours, change, cause and effect and much much more. Let's take a look at some of our learning this week.
We started off by recording all of the things we thought a good friend should be. It just goes to show that the children in class are really clear on what is expected of them and how they should treat others.
We have also been exploring how to use different construction materials and how to join them together to create animals. This week dinosaurs and in particular, flying ones have been very popular. Take a look at this lovingly created models.
We have also been continuing to develop our writing skills. We are very lucky that our classroom is set up to promote writing in all areas and as a result, we have some really super writers in class.
We also have been thinking about the number of scales fish may have. We used the Internet to find out the answer to our question and then we made paper plate number fish. A great way of developing our skills when it comes to matching numeral and quantity.
We have also been conducting investigations. We have been thinking about texture and what resources would be best to make the very shiny and colourful rainbow fish. This prompted lots of critical thinking and these are the results. Well done everyone.
Sadly that's all for this week. Next week World Cup Fever hits Westfield and we have a fun filled weeks worth of activities planned. Our class has been given Nigeria and Mexico as our teams so lets see how we do!
Have a wonderful weekend in the sun and don't forget your hat and cream and we look forward to seeing you all next week.
Don't forget this weeks Home Learning Challenge - can you find out any really exciting information about our 2 countries.
Bye for now