This week is our third and final week of Monster Maths. During this 3 week enhancement we have learned so many new things and more importantly, we have made so much progress.
This week we have created our very own light box, we used various shapes to create 3D images of monsters. During this activity we talked about size, shape names and how the light made the colours seem different. Take a look at just one of our amazing creations.
We have also been looking at and reading lots of different texts about monsters. This has given us a really good opportunity to talk about the structure of texts such as the blurb, author and illustrator. This piece of work shows the blurb written inside a speech bubble! Fantastic

We also have been developing our patterning skills. We can now create 4 and 5 colour repeating patterns and describe them. What a wonderful achievement!
Next week we are going to be exploring Easter and the meaning behind it. We will be engaging in lots of exciting learning opportunities and we can't wait to share these with you. We hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Staff and children in Reception W