Hello and welcome back to our final blog of the Summer 1 term. This week we have been developing our knowledge about changes over time. We have been thinking about the things that change over time in relation to people, animals and plants. We have found out so much new information it's been so very exciting. Lets take a look at this weeks learning ....
We started the week off by thinking about the future and what we would like to do as a job when we are older. We have so many amazing ideas and what was really pleasing was to see was the development of the children's writing. We are very impressed with their resilience and determination
We have also been developing our knowledge of senses and we had such a good time using our sense of smell to try and find out what was contained in the little pots. Some of the smells were strong and were really easy and some we really had to think about carefully.
We have also been using nature to develop our number bonds to 10 knowledge. We have been moving ladybird spots and creating number sentences and identifying the patterns we can see. Tricky work but well done everyone.
We have also been designing and using box modelling materials to create monsters. We plan, design, make and review. That's a lot of skills to be able to put into practice but we are so good at persevering when things get difficult
We have also been exploring vegetables and thinking about the different parts that we eat - do we eat the root, leaves or indeed all of the vegetable? we had so many interesting discussions about this and it was wonderful to see the children thinking out loud, sharing ideas and negotiating with others. Wonderful
We have also been busy undertaking our continuous provision challenges. Wednesdays challenge was to use something other than a pencil to write a simple number sentence. Here we have someone using a paintbrush in the sand to make their number sentence. Well done. Very Creative
Finally, thank you to all of those parents who supported us at Sports Day. We know that you will be just as proud of their efforts as the staff are. Well done everyone.
We hope that you have a wonderful half term and that the weather is kind to you. See in soon ready for a fun filled half term using the theme of Disney to develop our learning.
Staff and children in Reception W