We hope that you all have had a lovely holiday. The children have returned focused and ready to learn and that's great as we have four fun filled weeks of Monster Maths learning to get through

We have been developing our knowledge of 2d shapes and have created shape monsters. We talked about the number of eyes, legs and arms that each monster was going to have and then we had to select the correct number of eyes from a larger group. Tricky but we tried our very best!
We have also been busy developing our scanning skills. WE have had to search for different types of monsters and then write down how many we found. A great way of developing our attention and focus and a fun way of recording numbers

We have also been exploring different ways of writing letters. We have made marks in sand, glitter, paint and slime. Take a look at our writing.
We have also been describing the different attributes of monsters using numerals. Take a look at our writing and recording of numbers. This is a really important part of developing our ability to order, count and record numbers and use this knowledge to help us solve problems.
We have also been working on our observational drawing skills. We have been looking at carnations and sketching them using both pencil and pastels. This has been a great way of developing our knowledge of flowers and their various parts as well as providing us with an opportunity to explore different media.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend. Next week is Week 2 of Monster Maths and next week we will be using the text Monstersaurus to help us with our learning. We will be focusing on size ordering, capacity, writing ingredient lists and a whole lot more.
One final reminder, we are finding that many of the children's items of clothes are missing names. Please can we ask that you check ALL items of clothing and add your child's name please, it is really difficult to return items lost if we do not know who they belong to.
We will also be using the ALPS on Tuesday so please dress children accordingly
Library books are changed on a Monday as are reading books
Read Write Inc bags need to come to school everyday please.
See you all on Monday