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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 27.11.2020

This week we have been using the wonderful text Zog. This is a great way to help children develop their self esteem and for them to think about all of their achievements and success in learning. Let's take a look at this weeks learning .....
We conducted an experiment using bicarb of soda and water. We made dragon eggs and then used vinegar to dissolve the powder. This was a great way of helping to promote talking about what we can see happening and what changes occur. Well done everyone 
We explored our number of the week. The picture you can see shows us adding items onto the magic maths mat. They can, however, only go onto the mat if they are associated with our number of the week. Remember, this is a great problem solving activity and the number of the week sheets we are sending home help support what we are learning about in class. 
We have also been exploring different ways of recording our number of the week.  I am so very proud of the children. They are using lots of different mathematical language such as addition and tally chart. Why not ask them to show you the different ways of showing a certain number. 
The emotional well being of the children continues to be a priority. We have added to our week a mindfulness colouring session. We relax, listen to classical music and get lost in the art of colouring. This helps us to relax our mind and body and also helps us develop our pencil control and hand eye co-ordination. The children have really embraced this. Brilliant

Next week will be our final Julia Donaldson text. Stickman. A perfect end!


Please can I remind you that reading books need to be brought into school every Wednesday please so that i can change them and read your valuable comments in your child's reading record. 


Thank you for your continued support. Remember, if you have any wow moments or pictures of your child completing the maths tasks please upload them onto Weduc. I would love to see them.


Have a great weekend

Mrs Evans smiley
