Hello everyone and welcome back to our class blog. This week has been another action packed week of learning. We have been using the Gruffalo text as the focus for our learning and this familiar text has provided us with many different opportunities to develop our reading skills. Let's take a little look at this weeks journey.....
We started the week of by making Gruffalo footprints. Even though this was a baking activity there were many links to number and Expressive Arts and Design. We had to select the correct number of white buttons to make the claws, this involved taking a set number from a larger group. We also had to change the chocolate from a solid to a liquid. This was a great way of talking about changes and how we can change the appearance and texture of objects.
We have also been busy developing our learning in continuous provision. Once of our challenges this week was designed to develop our fine motor skills. We had to twist and manipulate string to fold around a shape. Tricky but with a little practice we soon accepted the challenge and succeeded

We have also been busy exploring lots of Julia Donaldson texts. Did you know that the very first book she created was the Gruffalo? we do! And another little tip that not many people realise is that owing to the massive success of the Gruffalo she has secretly hidden the character in many of her subsequent books. We explored all of these texts and looked for the hidden Gruffalo

Sadly the very wet weather put paid to our weekly visit to the ALPS. So we brought the activity indoors. We worked as a small group to create a special den for one of the characters from the Gruffalo story. We talked about size and space, waterproof material and what would be best to protect the characters from the Gruffalo. We had some very interesting designs that children carefully constructed. Well done everyone

We have also created some giant Gruffalo footprints in class. We then used cubes to measure which was longest and which was shortest. We had to then try and order them in the correct order from shortest to longest. This was great fun

We have also been thinking about speech bubbles and what each of the different characters in the story might say. Take a look at our wonderful writing. We are beginning to include some letter shapes too. Well done everyone!
To finish.......
Reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday
RWI bags need to be brought to school EVERYDAY please so that we can add your child's new letter sound
Please check that every item of clothing is named. Everyday we are finding 2 or 3 jumpers and cardigans without names and it is really important to check regularly.
Snack money is £1 a week.
Have a great weekend
Staff and children in Reception W