Hi and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been really busy learning lots of new and exciting skills. We have been using the text Monstersarus as the focus for our learning. Take a little look at our exciting week
We talked about designing our own monsters and what they would like - how many arms, legs and eyes and what shape would they be. We then set about using our designs to actually create 3D monsters. We have some very talented children in our class.
We also played Create a Monster game. We rolled the dice, identified the number and added different parts of the body. This is a great way of developing our number recognition.
We have also been busy developing our ability to use words to describe different textures. We made gloop using cornflour and water and it slipped through our fingers. This is what some of us thought about how it felt....
Jameel - It's slippy
Noah - It feels wet and shiny
Oliver - It's like water and I can squeeze it through my fingers
We have also been really busy exploring what writing means to us all. We talked about how we need to write to tell people what our name is, we write letters in RWI and we can also write numbers to tell people how old we are. Writing is so very useful. Take a look at us in action.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend. See you all again on Monday.