We hope that you had a lovely holiday and we welcome you back to our blog. This week we have been using the text The Room on a Broom. We have had such a lovely range of learning experiences this week and we have had a great time learning.
We looked at a range of different pumpkins and used the Internet to find out about them. Did you know that the smaller pumpkins are called Munchkins? We didn't either. Here we are investigating our range of pumpkins
We have also been busy developing our ICT skills. We have been using the pen to click and drop different colours to fill images. Here we are adding colour to the Witch from the Room on a Broom story
We took our pumpkins out onto the ALPS on Tuesday and helped to carve them. We made lots of different faces and had a great time using tools and techniques to change our pumpkins.
Continuing with the theme of pumpkins and Room on a Broom we made masks. This involved lots of different skills - listening, explaining, problem solving and making decisions and sharing them with our friends. What a lot of learning we can derive from a simple activity.
We then used our pumpkins as part of an experiment. We used baking powder, white vinegar and our pumpkin and added the ingredients together and watched it fizz and froth. Wow. We loved it
Next week we are going to be using Bonfire Night as the focus for our learning. We will use the time to explore colours, find out some history about Bonfire Night and how to stay safe. We have a fun and exciting time planned on the ALPS so please ensure that children have a warm coat and wellingtons. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Staff and children in Reception W