Hello and welcome back to our class blog. Once again this week has been a busy week jam packed full of learning. Let's start at the beginning at take a look ........
We have been exploring colouring by numbers with a monster twist. We rolled the dice, matched the number and read the label to ensure we used the correct colour. Such a lot of fun
We have been developing our skills linked to selecting the correct number of objects from a larger group. Here we are rolling a dice, counting out the right number of eyes and placing them on our monsters. We then extended this further by counting them in a random arrangement. Tricky but we did it

This week we have been continuing our learning linked to Monster Maths. This week we have tackled subtraction and learned a lot of new language linked to it. Here we are recording the answer to our number sentences independently.
We utilised the opportunity to visit the Book Bus to find out about authors, illustrators and certain features such as blurbs. We have had a wonderful time reading different blurbs and trying to guess what we think the story will be about. A great game to play at home.
We have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to learn about how Easter is celebrated in a different country. We have really enjoyed finding out about traditions and customs in Romania. Thank you for all of the wonderful pictures and information we have really learned such a lot

We ended the week on a lovely note. A visit from the farm. Natalie was so passionate and informative about the animals in her care and she has given us all a truly wonderful experience. Thank you so much

Have a great weekend.
Staff and children in Reception W