Hello and welcome back to our class blog. We have had yet another amazing week jam packed full of new learning experiences. Let's take a little look at this weeks learning all about Superworm

Using the text we made our very own wormery. We had to follow a set of instructions step by step and make sure that we had everything we needed to give the worms a good home. We have been watering them, making the soil muddy just as they like. It was so much fun learning lots of new and exciting facts.
We also visited the ALPS as we do every week. This week we took salt dough, seeds, pine cones, twigs, feathers and lots of other materials and we spent the morning making faces on the trees. This was a great way of seeing the children's creativity and ideas and how they create representations. The adults were truly amazed at their ideas and hard work
We have also been creative in our small parts play area. Take a look at this wonderful snail. We really do have some fantastic ideas and a great imagination and when they are combined the sky is the limit

We have also been developing our writing skills. we have been describing worms. We have looked at real worms, looked at pictures from the Internet and studied them using magnifiers. This is a little sneak peek before we add them to our classroom display
We have also been exploring clay. Normally we use salt dough or playdough but this week we have been rolling, squeezing, flattening and moulding clay. we made Super worms and we are going to design and make a superhero cape for them. After all every hero wears a cape.
Next week we are going to be exploring the text Zog. This is a super story for developing our mathematical language, knowledge of number order and about how to be a good friend and help others. We have a great weeks worth of learning planned so please come back and read all about it.
Finally, thank you to everyone who is bringing their reading books on a Monday and a Thursday it has been a pleasure to read your comments and to know how much your child is loving reading. Loan library is every Monday and we would really encourage you to come and change your child's book with them.
Have a wonderful weekend
Staff and children in Reception W