Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been super busy using the text The Stickman. This lovely Julia Donaldson text is the last one in the series of weeks and books we have been using and ties in perfectly with our Christmas celebrations.
We have been exploring shape and structure using bits and pieces from our loose parts area. This is the area were we can let our imagination run wild. This week we have been exploring making Stickman models. Have a little look at some of our creations
We have also been taking some of the setting information from the text. The Stickman was desperate to get back to the family tree so made our own family tree using pieces of wood. We had to place them in order according to their length - we ordered from longest to shortest and then shortest to longest.
We have also been busy in the Funky Finger area. We used pipe cleaners, paper and glue to create stickmen. We twisted, bent and curled the pipe cleaners to make him look like he was moving.
We have been opening our advent calendar everyday and because we love reading so much we have a reading calendar. Each day we open the door and find anew and exciting book for us to share as a class. We can't wait to read a new story everyday.
As i'm sure you'll know we have also been busy rehearsing for our nativity. We can't to perform for you next Tuesday at 2.30. We are very proud of the children and we are sure that you will agree their singing is out of this world.
Have a great weekend
Staff and children in Reception w