Welcome back to our class blog. We can't believe that it is next week we perform our nativity for you all. We have been busy learning the lines to the songs and saying our words in our biggest voices. The staff are very proud of the children and we are certain that after the performance on Tuesday, you will be too!
So this week we have been using the text The Stickman as the focus for our leanring. We have explored the story and the characters and thought about the beginning, middle and end of the story. These wonderful books by Julia Donaldson have given us so much pleasure this half term and we have learned so many new and exciting skills.
We have been using The Stickmans family tree for our of our activities about shapes and patterns. We used 2, 3 and in some cases 4 different colours to make repeating patterns on the tree. As you can see we have done a wonderful job.
We have also been undertaking lots of different challenges in our learning this week. We had to use tweezers to pick up the correct number of decorations to add to the Christmas tree. This was great for developing our fine motor skills, identifying numbers and matching numbers and quantity. What a lot of learning from just 1 simple activity

We have also been developing our pattern skills further by threading different coloured beads to make candy canes. This was a tricky challenge but with time and perseverance we fulfilled the challenge

And finally. We wanted to leave you with our Reception cohort entry for the Bake Off competition. It had to be the Stickman. Here he is with his stick lady love and his stick children 3. I wonder who will win .............
We hope that you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday, ready and raring to go for our final nativity practice before the big day!
Staff and children in Reception W