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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week Ending 7th October

Welcome back to our class blog! This week we have been looking at our text of the week 'In Every House on Every Street'. This story has been a particular class favourite and we have thoroughly enjoyed our work relating to it.


We have researched the different features of houses before we had a go at making them ourselves. Have a look at us making our 3D models of houses using materials kindly donated to us by our adults. We can't wait to show them off when they are finished!

In Maths this week we have been looking at sorting and comparing. Our adults in Reception couldnt believe how fantastic we were at sorting objects into different categories, WOW! We have also learnt a new song to help us learn our numbers to 20. See if you can have a go at home by typing into YouTube 'Count to 20'. 

We have completed lots of activities to do with our text of the week. We have particularly enjoyed creating our own house in the construction corner making sure we had included all of the features we know a house needs.

Next week we will be looking at a new text 'A New Home for a Pirate' have a look at it on YouTube. 


A reminder that next week is our Read Write Inc Phonics meetings with Mrs Woodcock. This will help to explain how we teach Phonics and how the RWI program works. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday!


Reception F stafflaugh


