This week we have been using the text The Rainbow Fish as the focus for our learning. We have been busy talking about the qualities and characteristics that make a good friend. This has been so interesting and we have so many kind, considerate children in our class it was a pleasure to listen to their ideas.
We also used the text Elmer to think about the similarities and differences between the two stories. This created a great discussion. Take a look at our Elmer designs.
We have also been busy developing our mathematical skills. We have been learning the language linked to capacity - we have been talking about full, empty, half full, less than and more than. We love to hear the children using this language in their play. It really shows they have understood what we have been teaching them.
We have also been busy thinking about other concepts in maths. We have been learning about doubling, halving and sharing. We have used so many different resources to help our learning. Here we are are doubling and halving spots on a ladybird.
We used the Rainbow Fishes shiny, glittery scales to help us create picture sin the creative area. We used foil and added colour and texture to create the ripple effect. This was a great idea. There was so much language to be heard during this activity. We were really impressed with the children's confidence and discussions.
We have also got lots of independent writing to celebrate. The children love to be in the writing area in the classroom and they are so motivated and excited by the resources we give them to use. As a result, this is the kind of work we are producing. We are very proud of all of our learners in Reception W.

Next week we are going to be re-visiting lots of different areas of learning to make sure that all we know is secure. We hope that you have an amazing weekend. See you on Monday. Enjoy the sunshine