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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 8th March 2019

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been using the text Supertato as the focus for our learning and what an exciting week of learning it has been. So let's take a little look.....
We used characters from the text and wrote in speech bubbles the things that we thought that they would say. Take a look at our wonderful writing. 
One of our many learning challenges this week was to thread and trap the evil pea. We had a great time and we developed the challenge even further by trying to free the pea in less than 1 minute. Tricky no
We also started to learn about the skills needed to be able to count random groups of objects.  we identified numbers and then counted out the correct number from a larger group.  Here we are developing our skills. We are also really pleased to say that counting with 1 - 1 correspondence is much improved. well done everyone.
We also had our weekly trip to the ALPS on Tuesday. We took lots of open ended resources and spent time working together, problem solving, designing and making with a wide range of objects. Take a look at some of the amazing end results. We are very proud of the children and their efforts.
In the midst of all this learning we celebrated Pancake Day. We choose toppings, talked about quantity, used tools safely and talked about the delicious taste combinations we created. Yum 
We also developed our upper body strength by mashing peas with potato mashers. This was great for developing our co-ordination, grip and agility and we had such fun doing it. Definitely something that you could try at home!
And finally, to end a wonderful week we celebrated World Book Day. Thank you to everyone for supporting us we have the very best day. We completed lots of different activities linked to books. It was amazing. 

We hope that you a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. Please remember that EVERY MONDAY is loan library day and reading book change over day. We go to the ALPS on Tuesday and it is our trip on Wednesday to Z Arts so if you haven't yet paid please do so as soon as possible. 


Staff and children in Reception W
