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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 9th March 2018

This week we have been developing both our number and shape, space and measure skills. 
We have been talking about repeating patterns and what they look like. Did you know that we can make patterns with almost anything? We do as we have been trying out lots of different resources to see what was best. 
We have been using lots of different resources to create number sentences. We are continuing to explore different ways of recording numbers. This is just one of the very creative ways we explored. Why not give this a try at home?
We have also been learning about length - talking about long, short, longer and shorter than. Take a look at us creating structures longer and shorter than we are. This is the kind of practical activities that we like to do in class. If you have any blocks at home why not try to make something that is longer than a grown up at your house mail
Whilst we have been busy developing our number skills we have also been developing our reading skills. We read in class each week with a grown up and talk about the pictures, read the words, use different voices to represent different characters. We are really making great progress in this area and our love of reading is really clear to see. Thank you to all those parents who take time to read with your child, you really are making a wonderful difference. We are so very proud as I'm sure you are. Well done to everyone no
That's all for this week. We hope that you have a great weekend whatever it is you are doing. We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday well rested and ready to learn. 