Welcome back to our blog. This week we have been busy using the focus of Bonfire Night as the basis of our learning. We started the week off by finding out why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We learned all about Guy Fawkes and how the tradition started.
We went out onto the ALPS and spent the morning exploring a variety of different activities. We created firework pictures, played hoopla and made mini bonfires. We had the best time!
We also used food colouring, milk and washing up liquid to create an experiment. We added washing up liquid to milk and watched the colours spread. It was just like the dark sky on Bonfire Night.
We also developed our number recognition playing hoopla. We had to identify a number and try to throw a hoop on the right number. It was tricky but great for developing our gross motor skills and our number recognition.
We also made marshmallow sparklers. We talked about changes and how adding heat effects the chocolate. We talked about consistency and lots of other changes that we observed.
We also created poppies to help us celebrate Remembrance Day and for us to remember the fallen soldiers. This was a lovely way to help raise our awareness of history.
Thank you to all of those parents who attended the Read Write Inc meeting on Wednesday with Mrs Woodcock. I am sure you will all agree it was greatly beneficial and the children will love the Read Write Inc cards they were given. If you were unable to attend, there is another meeting scheduled for next week.
Next week we will be thinking about occupations and people who help us.
We hope that you have a great weekend
Staff and children in Reception W