Hello and welcome back to our class blog for Reception F. This week we have been looking at 'What the Lady bird heard' as our text of the week and we have done so much learning.
It might have been one of our favourite books yet written by Julia Donaldson!
We started off the week with lots of counting. We have really been focusing on number recognition this week and so one of our challenges was to match the right about of ladybirds to the number on the leaf. We all gave this a go and we have lots of stamps to prove it!
This week we have loved being creative. I think our favourite thing we have done is make our own lady birds using egg boxes. We really tried hard to paint them carefully and they were quite small so it's a good job we've been doing lots of funky finger activities! We all made one and they look amazing hanging in our classroom, see if you can spot them as you walk around.
We have also been doing some biscuit decorating this week. We have loved thinking about what ingredients we had available to see what we would use for our biscuits. I think they turned out fantastic and you can really tell they were lady birds. They tasted great too!
We've also been recreating lady birds using our play dough this week. We have looked at lots of pictures of real ladybirds to try and make them accurately. You can really tell how hard Ivy worked on this one!
We have been thinking about the settings with all of the Julia Donaldson books that we have been learning about. What the lady bird heard is set on a farm and therefore we have been thinking about farms and we even made our tuff spot into a farm. We loved discussing what animals lived on the farm and we talked about the crops that grow on a farm as well.
We had such a great week and this first term has gone so quickly but we have really settled well now and we are learning more and more every day.
Next week we are learning about Zog and I know the children are going to love the story. Don't forget we have parents evening on Monday and Wednesday. I am really looking forward to it!
Have a great weekend,
Reception F