Hello and welcome back to our class blog.
This week we have been learning all about The Three Little Pigs. It has been a fantastic text for us to explore and we even got to go on an adventure to the Alps.
We started off the week looking at positional language. We had to say which direction the pig had to go so he could avoid being caught be the Big Bad Wolf. It was a great activity and the children loved it.
We have also been looking at rhyming words. Our reading is fantastic and we were reading the words together and then seeing which word they rhymed with. Rhyming is really tricky but we have been practising so much and we are really enjoying it.
We then took a trip to the Alps. We were so lucky with the weather and we had so much fun. We had to work together as a team to create the Three Little Pigs houses. We made a straw house, a brick house and a stick house. The house made of straw was definitely the easiest to blow down.
We've had a great week and we are all looking forward to a lovely weekend. Next week we are going to be reading the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears - it will be great.
Reading books are going to be changed on Monday if they have been read. Please make sure to write a comment in the reading diaries as this tells us whether we need to change them or not and it's a great way of seeing how they are doing at home.
Have a great weekend.
Reception F