Welcome back to our Blog. We cannot believe we have been in Reception F for 4 weeks already. The time is absolutely flying by. This week we have been learning all about worms with our Julia Donaldson text, Superworm. I think this might have been our favourite story yet and we have accomplished so much throughout the week.
One of our favourite things that we have done this week is explore the Worm World that we created in our classroom. We loved getting our magnifying glasses out and exploring what was hidden in the soil and seeing if we could find any worms.
In class this week we have been doing lots of worm writing where we used speech bubbles to think about what our characters were saying to each other. We have also made the most incredible super worms out of clay. This was a great fine motor activity for us and although it was hard for us to squeeze and roll our clay, we managed it and I'm sure you thought our worms were amazing on Friday. We even made capes for them!. We have been doing some impressive maths in our continuous provision this week and we have all been trying our best to count mini-beasts whilst practicing our number writing. We have done such an amazing job!
In RWI this week we have been working really hard on our blending. We have been trying to make simple words like mad, sad, mat and sat. We have also been practicing our sounds as much as we can in our classroom and it has really helped, so if we could practice at home as well I know it will make a huge difference. Again this week we have really been thinking about the initial sounds in words and simple games like this one where we have to sort objects into different trays has been really effective.
Our number of the week this week was number 4. We have loved looking in depth at one number each week and it has proven really effective. This week we have been thinking about time, money, shape, pattern, quantity and 1 more or less all with our number 4.
Next week our text is 'What the Ladybird Heard' and I'm sure we'll have another great week to look back on next Friday. Thank you to everyone who has brought their reading bags in on Monday and Thursday, it has really helped us keep on top of changing the books and lets us enjoy the lovely comments you are writing in their diaries.
We still have some children without PE kits so could we try to bring those in before our PE day on Friday - Thank you
We have had such a lovely week and we hope you have a great weekend.