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Y4W Reading Blog -The Firework Maker's Daughter

Monday 30th October

Wow! Bet you've been waiting for us to start posting, right?  Well, here we are.  Today we started work in English on The Firework Maker's Daughter.  Yes, we've been eagerly awaiting, and it was well worth the wait.

In English we looked at some of the names that Philip Pullman gave to the fireworks.  Names like `Leaping Monkeys', `Crackle-Dragons' and `Tumbling Demons'.  Wow -they're great, don't you think.

First, we thought about word classes.  We amazed our teachers by being able to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, proper nouns and even conjunctions (both subordinating and coordinating) -impressive huh?  Say, take a look at the passage from Firework Makers Daughter -see if you can identify them.

Then, using a verb and a noun, we invented our own firework names and wrote a sentence or two to describe them.  This was really exciting -we loved it!  We will post some examples in the morning -we know that you'll love them too.

Bye for now.

How our title picture was made

Still image for this video

Monday 9th October 2017


Well hello, and welcome to our new class reading blog.  We have `got stuck in to' The Firework Maker's Daughter.  Wow -it moves along at a great pace.  We have covered about a chapter and already Lila (the main character) has her father's workshop to travel to the volcano (Mount Merapi) and bring back some Royal Sulphur from Razvani the Fire-Fiend.  Already exciting huh?

It is a very different book to Podkin.  There are places were we laughed out-loud at the characters that Lila meets.  We are looking forward to reading more -as straight away we are captured by the journey that the main character is on.

More tomorrow.

Have your say...

What do you think of the story so far? Was Lila right to go to Mount Merapi alone? Will her friend be able to save her? Remember to leave an email -you could use
