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Year 5F

Welcome back to our blog.


This week we have been looking at writing a set of instructions. We have devised a method to help us catch the Minotaur!


In Maths, we have been exploring decimal numbers up to 3 decimal places. We used counters to make different decimal numbers. Look at our photographs below.

We have also been learning to calculate using amounts of money. We completed money puzzles as well!

Welcome back to our blog!!


We've had a truly busy week this week. We have written our own Greek myths and have been learning about equivalent fractions and decimals.


In Science, we had to 'Escape The Lab' by solving a series of tricky clues about materials.


Look at our photographs below.

Wow!! What a superb week we have had.


On Wednesday, the children gave an outstanding performance in our Spring Assembly. The spoke clearly and confidently and sang beautifully.


On Thursday, we visited the Walker Art Gallery to learn how to 'read' a painting to find out about an ancient Greek myth. We also had time to look at the exhibits in the World Museum AND had our lunch in the sunshine.


Look at some of our photographs below.

Welcome to our blog.


We have been busy learning how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers this week. We know how important it is to know our times tables facts off by heart, so we have been playing multiplication games to help us. 

Welcome to 5F's first blog of the summer term. As always, it has been very busy and we have had a number of special visitors in our class this week.


Maths - In Maths this week we have been learning how to multiply unit fractions and non-unit fractions by an integer.

A unit fraction is when the numerator (top part of the fraction) has the value of one.

A non-unit fraction is when the numerator has a value of two or more.

An integer is a whole number.


Click on the link below, which will take you to BBC Bitesize, for an explanation, activities and games about multiplying fractions by an integer...


BBC Bitesize- Multiplying Fractions


English- The children read an ancient Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur. They created story maps using images to tell the story and created sentences describing mythical beasts and courageous heroes and heroines.


Read Theseus and the Minotaur below.



Theseus and the Minotaur

On Tuesday, during our RE lesson, the children learnt how to say Shabbat Shalom in Hebrew. Ann Angel, who is from Menorah Synagogue in South Manchester, came to tell the children all about Shabbat and why Jewish people celebrate it every week. Here are some photos from her afternoon in class...

On Wednesday, Joanne from HH Kids came into class to talk to 5F about the dangers of smoking. They discovered that cigarettes contain more than 4000 different chemicals! Also, they calculated that an average smoker spends £4599.00 every year on cigarettes! Both the children and the staff were stunned by these facts.

Hello welcome to 5F's first blog of the year! 


Maths - This week the children have been learning about Roman Numerals. Despite the Romans living a long time ago, they were able to name ways that they are used in real life today.  For example, on clocks and after the names of British Kings and Queens.


English - The children have been exploring their summer read, Journey to Jo'Burg, in more depth this week. They have been thinking about the similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of the children in the book. Also, they have enjoyed our new Talk For Writing topic based on a text called Elf Road, which is about a young boy who discovers a magical world. 

Welcome back!!!


Maths - This week the children have been learning more about Roman Numerals. They have been converting 4-digit numbers into Roman Numerals and Roman Numerals into 4-digit numbers. 


English - We have begun our new class novel this week in class. It is called The Secret of Nightingale Wood by Lucy Strange. It tells the story of Henry (short for Henrietta) whose life is turned upside down after the death of her brother. Following a move to the country, Henry finds herself almost alone; her despairing father disappears on a work trip while her mother takes to her bed and becomes a prisoner of the doctor. Henry finds help and friendship from Moth, the mysterious woman who lives in the woods. Together, they refashion Henry’s life and she begins to heal.

Maths - This week the children have been investigating place value. For example...


What is the value of the underlined digit?   235,087

Place these numbers in order from smallest to largest...

                  3451          4315          1453          3541          4513          1345     

Use < or  to complete the number sentence...

                                     15,953                          15,892


English - The children have been learning about modal verbs. These are verbs that show a degree of possibility. For example, 


will go to the park after school.                             You must wear school uniform.

might go to the park after school.                         You could wear school uniform.

Welcome back to our blog.


Another busy week in Year 5F!


Maths -  The children have continued investigating place value this week. They have looked at +1 and -1, +10 and -10, +100 and -100, +1000 and -1000, +10,000 and -10,000, +100,000 and -100,000 of any given number. 


English - This week the children have been investigating and collecting vocabulary to use in their writing. They have practised and collected sentences to use in their writing. Also, they have created a plan ready to write their very own portal story.

Hello!! Welcome back to Year 5F's blog!


Maths - This week the children have been ordering whole numbers from smallest to largest. Als well as this, they have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. 


English - The children have spent this week practising Year 5 writing skills. They have written sentences that include a simile, fronted adverbials, conjunctions, modal verbs and expanded noun phrases. They have then used these skills to write their own version of Elf Road. Their version is set in either an enchanted forest or a winter wonderland.



We have been working really hard this week. 


Maths - This week the children have continued their work on rounding numbers. We have played a rounding game to help us.


English - The children have begun a new Talk for Writing topic. They have looked at a non-chronological (not in time order) report all about Space School. They will be writing their own report all about life on Pandora, where the film Avatar is set.

Welcome back to our blog!




Maths - This week the children worked on addition and subtraction. Can you try the problems below?


English - Children finished their Talk For Writing unit this week by writing a Non-Chronological report on the world of Pandora.



Have a fantastic half-term!!

Welcome back to our blog. We hope that you had a fabulous half-term.


Maths - This week the children have been investigating how to apply the inverse when using subtraction and addition. Click the link below to find out more about inverse operations.


Number Fact Families Game- Inverse


English - As it is going to be Bonfire Night this weekend, the children have been exploring onomatopoeia. This is a word that sounds like what it means. They help you hear what is going on. 'Thud', 'crash', 'bang' and 'buzz' are all examples. They have written firework poems that include onomatpoeia. Click the link below to find out more.



It has been another busy week in Year 5F!



Maths - This week the children have continued to explore addition and subtraction problems. They have also completed a prior learning task about multiplication and division, which will be our next topic in Maths.


English - The children have been looking at a variety of texts all about Remembrance Sunday. Also, they have been exploring adverbs. Adverbs are words that help to describe a verb (a doing or action word). Click on the link below to find out more about adverbs...




Hello and welcome back!


Maths - This week the children have been using bar models to help them solve addition and subtraction word problems. Click the link which helps to explain how to use a bar model...

Bar Model



English - This week the children have been looking at different word classes and sorting them into different categories. Can you sort these words and put them under the correct heading?


        NOUNS                    VERBS                    ADJECTIVES                    ADVERBS


                      beautiful     walked     boat     suddenly     slowly     lake   


                        jumped     soft     shouted     fragile     trees     slowly

Welcome back!


Maths - The children have investigating multiplication. They have been making arrays to represent different multiplication facts. Watch the video about arrays by clicking the link below.




English - The children have been innovating their writing this week. This means that they have looked at the model text we have been using, which is called The Canal. Then, they have taken the structure of this text, altered it slightly, and created their own slightly different version. This will lead into them creating their own, independent, piece of writing next week. 

Happy December!!


Maths - This week the children have been investigating factors and using this to identify composite and prime numbers. A prime number has only two factors, one and the number itself. For example, 11 is a prime number as its only factors are 1 and 11. Whereas, a composite number has more than two factors. For example, 12 is a composite number as it has 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 as it's factors. Did you know that 2 is the only even prime number?


Click on the link below to play an online game involving prime and composite numbers...


Prime and Composite Numbers


English - This week the children have written their hot task in Talk For Writing. They have used the story The Canal, and written their own version of an adventure story based upon it.



Another busy week in 5F!



Maths - The children have been investigating square numbers this week. A square number is the product of a number that has been multiplied by itself. For example...


                              2 x 2 = 4              therefore 4 is a square number.

                              3 x 3 = 9              therefore 9 is a square number

                              4 x 4 = 16            therefore 16 is a square number


We can explore square numbers using arrays.











English - The children have been investigating the features of a newspaper report. They have been practising writing the FIVE Ws that are written in an introduction. Who? When? Where? Why? What? They have also been writing sentences containing adverbials of time and using relative clauses. Watch the video in the link below to find out more.


5Ws and Newspaper Reports



Welcome back to our blog!


Maths - The children have been investigating multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. They have used place value charts to help, if needed, but many are now able to mentally produce an answer. This is such an important skill to master. Click the link below.


Multiplying and dividing by 10 100 and 1000


English - This week, the children have continued their work on newspaper reports. They have been reporting for The Fairy Tale News  and have written a report detailing the events of Miss Red Riding Hood and her dramatic rescue from Mr. B. B. Wolf, by local woodsman Mr W. Cutter.


Hello and welcome to Year 5F's final blog of 2023!!!


Maths - This week, the children have revised all their work from Year 5 so far, and then completed end of unit assessment tests.


English - The children have completed their 'hot task' in writing and have written a newspaper report for The Fairy Tale Newspaper about either Goldilocks breaking into the Bear's home or Jack the giant slayer! 


The children had their Christmas party on Monday and had a fabulous time. They played party games, had a dance-off, ate party food and sang karaoke Christmas songs in the classroom to finish off the day. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to this week's blog from Year 5F and our first one in 2024.


Maths - This week the children have started their new topic in Maths, which is all about fractions. They have completed a fraction wall and have been using it to investigate equivalent fractions.


English - The children have looked at a poem called The Dreadful Menace. The poet who wrote it  is unknown. It was used as a trailer for The Winter Olympics in 2014 by the BBC. The class have listened to the poem, watched a short film clip about it, learned to recite the poem and talked about the what the poet might have meant when using certain words and phrases. Click on the link below to watch the BBC clip...


The Dreadful Menace

Welcome back!! What a chilly week it has been.


Maths - This week the children have continued their work on fractions. They have been investigating converting an improper fraction into a mixed number. An improper fraction is when the numerator (top number in a fraction) is greater than the denomiator (bottom number in a fraction. For example 5/4 or 12/3. A mixed number has a whole number as well as a fraction. For example, 1 and 7/10 or 4 and 3/5. Click on the link to practise at home...


Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers


English - The children have continued work based on the poem The Dreadful Menace about a mountain. This week they have been investigating similes and metaphors, so that they can use them when they write their own independent poem about a volcano.  Click on this link and try to spot the similes and metaphors in the Disney songs...


Similes and metaphors

Welcome back!!


Maths - This week the children have continued their work on fractions. They have been converting mixed numbers into improper fractions as well as improper fractions into mixed numbers. Watch this short video which helps to explain how they are connected...


Mixed numbers to improper fractions


English - The children have drafted, edited and then written up their own poetry this week. They have used The Dreadful Menace as their inspirations and have written their own poems about a volcano.

Hello, welcome back to Year 5F's blog.



Maths - This week the children have continued their topic on Fractions in maths. They began by adding fractions with the same denominators. They then moved on to adding fractions with different denominators, where you need to find a common denominator first. Click the link to find out more.


Adding and subtracting fractions


English - This week the children have been thinking about what it would be like at  summer camp. They have been writing sentences that contain a conjunction (joining word) within them. They use the mnemonic FANBOYS to help them.




Welcome back!!


Maths - This week the children have been adding mixed numbers together in maths. Click on the link to have a go at this at home...


Adding mixed numbers


English - The children have continued their latest Talk for Writing topic, which is a diary entry. The have completed an innovation task together, which is using the model text and changing the events slightly. Their model text is an excerpt from the book Holes, by Louis Sachar. They have imagined that they are on their way to a summer camp, instead of a detention centre, as in the model text.

Welcome back to our final blog of this half-term!


Maths -  This week the children have continued with fractions. They have been learning how to add and subtract mixed numbers with different denominators. 


English - This week the children have been completing their hot task (an independent write). They have written a diary entry for an Antarctic expedition. They have currently been learning all about Earnest Shackleton's expedition to the Antarctic, which has been helpful in the build up their writing task.


Have a fantastic week and we'll see you on Monday 26th February!

Welcome back after the half term break and Happy St David's Day! The children have learned all about St David in one of their reading lessons this week.


This week has been a busy week. The children have started their new class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Raúf. Here is a brief précis of what the book is about. (See the section about our English lessons this week for an explanation of what the word prècis means.)


...When a new boy joins their class, a group of children try to befriend him. They soon learn that Ahmet is a refugee and has been separated from his family. None of the grown-ups seem to be able to help him, so the friends come up with a daring plan, embarking on an extraordinary adventure...




Maths - The children have begun a new topic on multiplication and division. They have been learning the short multiplication method. They have been multiplying 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. 


English - The children have begun their new Talk for Writing topic, which is based around the storyline for the video of the song Titanium, by David Guetta. Also, they have been learning what the word prècis means, and how to use this skill in their writing. A précis is a condensed version of a text, keeping the main points and order of the original. Usually it reduces the text to approximately a third of its original length. The word précis comes from the French, meaning precise.

Welcome back to our blog! This week we celebrated World Book Day, thank you for your support.



Maths - This week the children have been investigating long multiplication. This week we have been multiplying a two-digit number by a two-digit number. They have been learning how to use a column for this tricky concept. Click on the link below to watch a tutorial on how the method works...


Long Multiplication


English - The children have completed their innovation task in Talk for Writing. They have written a description of the events that happen during the Titanium music video, by David Guetta. They have made sure to include a variety of Y5 writing expectations, including modal verbs and relative clauses.

Welcome back 


Maths - This week the children have continued working on long multiplication, moving on to multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number.  They have also been dividing a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number (with no remainder) using  short division, also known as the bus-stop method.


English - This week the children have been investigating past tense verbs. They have also planned and written an independent piece of writing. They used the Titanium by David Guetta video as a stimulus, and wrote their own story involving someone waking to find the world around them in devastation.


This week we have been honing our Hockey skills. Learning how to control the ball and pass it accurately.

Another busy week in 5F!!


Maths - This week the children continued with bus-stop division at the beginning of the week. After that, they have moved on to investigate finding the perimeter of shapes.  Click on the link below for a fun online perimeter game...




English - This week the children have started a new Talk for Writing topic. They have looked at a model text that is all about persuading someone to visit Alton Towers. They have also reassembled a jumbled up text that was persuading someone to take a Thomson cruise. This is building up to them planning and writing their own persuasive leaflet to advertise visiting our ALPS in school. 




A very busy week!!

Hello and welcome back the the final blog of the Spring term!


In Maths this week Year 5 have been finding the area of rectangles and of compound shapes. A compound shape is a shape that is made up of two or more geometric shapes. See an example of a compound shape below.



In English, the children created a leaflet to persuade people to visit the ALPS. The used hyperbole (exaggerated statements) to produce leaflets that would convince people to pay the ALPS a visit.


This week the children have continued with their swimming lessons in our amazing pop up pool. They have all tried hard to master the important skill of learning to swim.






Have a fantastic break and an amazing Easter. We look forward to seeing you on Monday 15th April.

