We have developed our likes and dislikes this week eating some yummy fruits- we chopped up watermelon, mango, carrots, cucumber, lemon and pomegranate- we then tasted them all- the lemon was very tangy
We also showed how we can listen carefully to different sounds improving our communication and language skills- we guessed animals sounds and picked out the right animal picture for each sound, Take a look at our pictures...
Wow we have done so much this week. We have celebrated Mandy's 50th Birthday we hope you liked your presents and enjoyed your day
We have also used big chalks for mark making outdoors this will help us with our writing skills later on. We had a real adventure visiting the adventure playground we were so brave going down the big slide We also talked about our feelings, we used feeling faces and mirrors to help us.. this helped us with our managing feelings and behaviour development.
This week we have joined in cooperative play developing our PSED skills.
We enjoyed singing our favourite songs and rhymes with Lauren improving our Communication and language development. we have also visited the park, enjoyed water play and outdoor play.. take a look at our pictures....
We have loved dancing and moving in the hall this week, we moved our whole bodies to sounds we enjoy!
We have been listening to stories very carefully and then answering questions about what happened in them- we were very good at this we have great listening and attention skills.
We celebrated Jack Barries 3rd Birthday he brought in a delicious Paw Patrol cake- we all hope you enjoyed a super birthday
On Friday 20th May Deanna will be leaving to go on maternity- she is expecting a little baby boy in June- good luck Deanna we will all miss you very much
What a fun week we have had at nursery.
We used our maths skills to do some counting, sorting and identifying with coloured bears.
Putting our hands into feely tubs was so much fun, we used our senses to guess what was inside each tub we then talked about the objects we found this helped us with our knowledge and understanding development.
This week we have also enjoyed outdoor play, bubble painting, water play and building. Take a look and see......
The sun has been shining this week We have enjoyed washing the bikes and cars outside, we learned some information technology skills using the camera to take different pictures. Hazah made a great photographer
We have done so many fun things this week- we made a shop in our role play area being shop keepers and customers helped us develop our imaginative play skills. We looked at photos of each other looking for similarities and differences between us this helped with our understanding of the world development.
This week we also visited the Alps, did some dancing in the school hall, climbed the stairs with confidence and we enjoyed celebrating Mia's 3rd birthday- we hope you had a great day Mia....Happy birthday xxx
What a busy week we have had. We visited the Alps and found lots of different bugs and creatures we even found a frog jumping around.
We have built lots of nice structures with our new construction toys developing our shape space and measure skills, we dressed ourselves up in different clothing improving our health and self care development.
This week we have enjoyed the sunshine playing outside, we ate our snack outside too...take a look at our fab pictures..
We have had a great week back after the Easter holidays.
We used all of your old junk to make models by mixing different media and materials developing our creative skills. We had music and movement sessions to help us express ourselves through actions and sounds, we created sounds with the musical instruments and sang our favourite songs
We enjoyed our focused activities this week. We enjoyed singing with the number rhyme puppets gaining an awareness of number names and number order we sang 5 green bottles, 5 cheeky monkeys, 5 current buns and 5 little men we are really good singers
We tried different foods in our food tasting activity we became aware of our likes and dislikes and enjoyed the different tastes and textures- we tried Watermelon, mango, kiwi and different flavoured dips
We celebrated Asya's 3rd Birthday this week, we all enjoyed a piece of her delicious frozen cake- happy birthday Asya
We have concentrated on our physical development this week by connecting our movements to the marks we make- this will help us to learn to write when we are older, we made marks in hair gel and glitter using our fingers and painted with balloons and trains it was very messy but we had lots of fun
What a fun week we have had at nursery- We listened to a sound CD to recognise different familiar/unfamiliar sounds this activity helped us with our Listening and attention skills.
We became builders in our new construction role play using our imagination to fix and build things.
We made some beautiful Mother's day cards and poems, we made marks inside the cards to represent our names.
We hope all you mums have a great Mothers day on Sunday
We have been exploring the outdoors this week taking trips to the Alps doing bug hunts looking under rocks and tree stumps for worms, exploring our local environment.
We have enjoyed stories in the reading area identifying action words and answering who, what, when and where questions.
The children have also enjoyed threading pasta, bubble painting, feely trays, building structures, and identifying and talking about the use of different familiar objects.
What a busy week we have had this week. We have celebrated Chinese new year eating yummy Chinese food, ate pancakes to celebrate shrove Tuesday, we got messy in corn flour sensory play, and practised walking up and down stairs improving our physical skills. We built structures from duplo blocks and played ball games in the school hall...take a look how much we have done this week.
Next week is half term we return to nursery on Monday 22nd Feb 2016, enjoy your week off
We have been ever so busy this week- developing ourselves in lots of different areas-
We used our imagination in our role play Chinese restaurant/takeaway, we got very messy exploring media and materials like shaving foam and corn flour.
We improved our fine motor skills by threading pasta onto laces, and we used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at our favourite story books becoming aware of pictures and print.
The children have been making connections between their movements and the marks they make whilst finger painting, they enjoyed the sensory experience of mixing colours together using their hands and fingers.
Deanna did a singing session with the karaoke...we have some really good singers in the butterfly room
This week we have had lots of fun developing our imaginative and communication skills. We took on different roles in our home corner, we sang our favourite rhymes and songs using puppets and instruments.
We have welcomed a new member of staff to our team this week, Beth will be working Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays- she is settling in well, all the children love her...
This week the children have been writing their Christmas lists to send to Father Christmas, they practiced their mark making skills ascribing meaning to their marks.
The children walked to the post office to post their letters they really enjoyed posting them in the big red post box.
Hopefully next week Father Christmas will reply to all the letters we sent, he will send his reply to your home address - please let us know when you get yours.
This week we have focused on one area of learning- Understanding the world.
We have developed our curiosity and exploring skills by matching objects together and linking different approaches together, we have visited the pet shop exploring our local community.
Brrrrrr its been cold this week, we splashed in the puddles outside, splish splash splosh!!
We have been developing our health and self care skills during snack time- we fed ourselves yoghurts and ate cereal.
We have been mark making in different texture trays- this was really messy but a lot of fun- mark making helps us develops our fine motor and writing skills
This week the children have been hairdressers in our beauty salon. We made the salon for our little Mia as she loves to look beautiful.
The hairdressers really helped children with their imaginative play and their communication skills, they all made great hairdressers!
All week we have been raising money for Children in need by baking yummy cakes and wearing our pyjamas- thank you for your donations you have all been brilliant
We have had a fun week back after half term. We have been learning physical skills like dressing/undressing, we talked about Bonfire night and all the noises we may hear. Hope you all enjoyed your chocolate apples
This Sunday is remembrance Sunday, we made poppies and laid them at the war memorial in Wigan to show our respect for all the fallen soldiers
We have been busy little bees this week. Take a look at what we have been up to!
Don't forget next week is half term, we all hope you have a great week off we will be back at nursery on Monday 2nd November
We enjoyed our maths activity- we loved filling and emptying different shaped and sized containers in the sand and water tray
We have been developing our communication and physical skills by baking yummy pizzas- we learned lots of new words, we gained control over tools, and enjoyed trying different foods!
We have been out and about in the community this week
we have done lots of playing and exploring!
We made self portraits to show how we are all different! we looked at mirrors then painted our faces- we had lots of fun
We are good at using the computer
We have been walking up the stairs too!
We have had fun making mud pies, being builders in our construction area and cooking in the role play..
We visited the library and the park at marsh green, we had a great time
We are getting good at brushing our teeth for 2 minutes. We sing "this is they way we brush our teeth up and down round and round this is the way we brush our teeth on a Monday morning"
Look what we having been doing this week!