Play-dough be creative- add shaped cutters, rolling pins, natural objects- (stones, sticks) scissors- prompt childen to use verbs and descirbing words i.e.- long, short, blue, green, roll, press, squash, pat, cut ..............
Water play- add colouring to the water, glitter, bubbles and objects dolls, animals, ducks, boats, fish, pots and pans. Hide and find objects use langauge empty, full, more, few........
Painting/Drawing -paper, paints, glue, chalks use a variety of cut up foods/cultery- look at patterns, colours, intoduce new vocabulary .
Pretend play- dolls, action men, cars, trains, barbies, dressing up clothes- make a den be imaginitive- intorduce sounds and singe words
Play-dough recipe- 3 cups of plain flour , 1 cup of cold water, 2 teaspoons of cooking oil, food colouring or paints. Mix it all together in a bowl..... keep kneading it until its just right not sticky!