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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Sunflower Room

 We're leaving toddlers of we go!

  We're ready to show pre-school all we know.

As little tots we've learnt lots

And now we're big, lets go an see

What Pre-school life is like for me. laughlaugh

Good luck to all our children who will be starting a new adventure in September. You all should be really proud of yourselves with everything you have learnt and developed in the toddler room, it was such a shame we didn't get to finish the year but we wish you all the very best.

Love the Sunflower Room Team  heart heart

 Hi all nursery is still closed for non key worker children until further notice we hope you all keeping safe at home and we are missing all our children in the Sunflower Room heart heart


During these difficult times theres still lots of things children can be enjoying at home. Here is a list of websites that have fun educational games for children to enjoy. and enter the code-PARENTSTWINKLHELPS



Westfield StartWell Facebook page has lots of activites and a live story time.


Also enjoy reading books/stories/nursery rhymes together, get creative using chalks, paints, pens, crayons water and try and get as much excercise through music and movement or outdoor play equipment- ball games, trampolines, bikes, scooters.........


Most of all have fun and enjoy this time with your child/ren.


Hope to see you very soon love everyone in the

Sunflower Room. laugh











 Important Notice to all Parents and Carers


 Nursery is open as normal although following current health guidelines if you , your child or any other member in your household have a high temperaure, fever or new persistent cough you should isolate yourself for 14 days and stay away from nursery and others, also if your child is sent home from nursery with any symptoms they will not be allowed in for 14 days.

Stay safe and take care from everyone in the Sunflower Room yes


 Polite Notice- nursery will close after session on Friday 3rd April 2020 for Easter Break and will return on Monday 20th April 2020.  The centre is open over the Easter Break for Holiday care from Monday 6th April 2020 to Thursday 9th April 2020, and from Tuesday 14th April to Friday 17th April 2020. If you wish for your child to attend over the easter half term can you please make sure you do this at the office.

The whole centre will shut for bank holidays- Friday 10th April 2020 and Monday 13th April 2020. 

 Important dates to remember- nursery will close for the February Half Term after session on Friday 14th February and will return on Monday 24th February 2020.

If you need to book your child into holiday club over the half term please can you do so at the office as soon as possible. If you no longer need us within the holidays can you also let us know as you still will be charged.

Kind Regards

 Please click on the link below if you would like some information about toilet training your child.
From all the staff in the Sunflower room have a very Merry Christmas and see you all in the new year 2020.  Nursery will be back open on Tuesday 7th January for holiday care the centre will be open from Thursday 2nd January. 

 Important dates to remember-

 Friday 6th December - Elf day to raise money for Alzheimer's Society children who attend on this day come to nursery dressed in a elf costume, christmas jumper or t-shirt £1 contribution.

Thursday 12th December - nursery will be closed for voting day only wrap around children will attend on this day.

Friday 13th December- Christmas jumper day can parents please bring in a tin or packet of non perishable foods to donate to less fortunate families within the community.

Thursday 19th December- party day all children are invited into nursery on this day 9.15am- 11.15am, we will break up on this day for the Christmas holidays.


 A big well done to all the new children who have been having visits in the Sunflower room, they have all done extremley well and we look forward to them all settling into the nursery routine and environment. High Five!!! yes laugh

 Polite Notice- Tuesday 5th November Flu Vaccination will be being held within the school hall. A consent form must be completed by parents for all children. For more information please do not hesitate to ask at the office or within the room.


Letters will be going home after half term regarding meet the key person. This is a great opportunity for parents to talk to their child's key person about how children have settled into nursery, any worries or concerns they may have and how they are learning and developing. Can parents please make sure they attend its a quick ten minutes of your time.


 October half term- nursery will close after session on Friday 18th October and will return on Monday 28th October.


If you need child care over the holidays can you please make sure you have booked your child in at the office.


 A very big warm welcome to the Sunflower Blog. laugh

The children have all been very busy over the last couple of weeks learning the nursery routine and getting to know each other but have all settled in lovely.

Parents should all have received a letter with information about your child's key person if you have not could you please let us know.


 They all did extremely well with their visits take a peak at what they got up to.


Developing sensory awareness through messy play, the children have enjoyed painting especially.

 The children have been showing us that they can build towers with a range of construction toys. Well done!!
 Child initiated play around the environment exploring their likes, dislikes, ideas and thoughts.

 The children have all settled into the nusrery routine well, and really enjoyed snack time and brushing teeth.

If you do not wish for your child to not take part in teeth brushing can you please let us know.

Exploring the outdoor provison.

We do go out in all weathers so please remember to always bring in your child's coat to nursery, and now the weather is becoming wetter wellies are optional for the outdoor area.
