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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 27th May

Hello everyone!!


Sorry we haven't 'been in touch' for a while- we suffered a few technical problems and then we spent a few weeks practising for our SATs!!


However- as we have completed our SATs we have lots to celebrate, share and

show you!!!


Firstly, a huge celebration for the children in Year 2W as we achieved 100% attendance during SATs week!! Such a major achievement!!!

Secondly, the children worked tremendously well on their SATs- making the teachers and themselves very proud.


All of the children took part in Westfield's Race for Life. The children had great determination, effort and willingness to complete the race.


We hope everyone has a great half term and we will see everyone back at school on Monday 6th June!


Check out our photos of the race and some other highlights from previous lessons.



