Welcome back after another busy week in Y1WF!
This week we have been learning about division and multiplication. We know division is repeated subtraction and multiplication is repeated addition (this means we add or take groups again and again) We have used number lines and arrays to help us work out the answers to problems. We have made arrays in the classroom and even been out on the playground in the sun on our human number line!
In English we have been continuing to work on our story 'The jolly postman'.
We have been retelling our story and trying hard to include some super grammar such as 'and' sentences and exclamation marks!
In topic we have been thinking about people who help us in our local ares. We thought about what we would like to be when we grow up and how we could help people.
Well that's all for this week, we hope you have enjoyed finding out about what we've been up to and will see you again next time.
Love from
Mrs Hannon. Miss Wallace, Miss Gray
and all of Y1WF x x x