Tuesday 5th November - Flu spray: Please return your consent form if you would like your child to have their flu spray.
Wednesday 6th November - Pre-school photographs: The children will be having their photographs in uniforms throughout the day. If your child does not usually attend on a Wednesday, please bring them in between 9am and 11am to have their photo taken.
Week beginning 11th November - Children in Need - Throughout the week we will be raising money for Children in Need by selling cakes and biscuits that the children have made, at the end of every session. If your child attends on a FRIDAY - we are having a pyjama party.
Week beginning 18th November - Meet the Keyperson.
Keep a look out for the appointment timetables which will be displayed in the cloakroom - please add your child's name to your preferred time to meet with your child's key person. This is a lovely opportunity to hear about how wonderful your child is in Pre-school.
Thursday 12th December - Pre-school Christmas Nativity play - More information to follow.
Thursday 19th December - Pre-school closes after session for the Christmas holidays.