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Pre-school Room 1

Unfortunately, Pre-school Room 1 remains closed until further notice and

we are all missing the children. crying


During these times, there are many things the children can be enjoying -  has lots of fun and educational EYFS games that the children will enjoy and you can sign up for a free 4 week trial.     Click Resources then Phase 1 - this includes a few games to help the children's Letters and Sounds skills.  and enter the code - PARENTSTWINKLHELPS

This website is full of EYFS printable resources that the children usually enjoy using in our classroom.


Every morning, at 9am, Joe Wicks (the Body coach) is doing a free children's

PE workout on YouTube. Just search Joe Wicks.


Look out for Zoo's doing live streams so the children can watch the animals from the zoo, such as Chester zoo and Edinburgh zoo.


Whilst the weather is nice, in your back garden, let the children use a paintbrush and cup of water to do water painting - they love to do this at Pre-school, or if you have any chalks - let them make big marks on patio flags.


Read stories, play games, sing nursery rhymes or join in with your child's play.


Try to limit the time they have on devices each day.


This is quality time with your child and at this age they learn through all that they do.


I have attached an easy to make Playdough recipe and Moon sand recipe too.


Please everyone stay at home, take care and stay safe, we can do it!


Hope to see you all soon.


Kerry and the Pre-school team. xx

Important Notice to all Parents/Carers - Coronavirus - Covid 19 - Wednesday 18th March.


 Pre-school remains open as normal. We are following the current Government guidelines however these are changing daily - If you, your child or any other member of your household develop a high temperature, fever or persistent cough - you and your entire household should self isolate for 14 days. We really understand that this is tough times for everyone, however, if your child is sent home from Pre-school with any of these symptoms, they will be unable to attend for 14 days.


Stay safe everyone.


Pre-school staff.


WACKY WAREHOUSE  - unfortunately Wacky warehouse is cancelled next week. We will rearrange this for a future date. If you have not yet paid, we will let you know when we will next be going to give you the opportunity to pay if you wish for your child to join in.

Don’t forget Wacky Warehouse money £2, is payable at the Pre-school classroom, if you would like your child to participate. This is for ALL Pre-school room 1.

Don’t forget to bring in your family photos as soon as you can, as we will be using these for activities in our classroom. 😃

Team Green would like to show they have been joining in with ring games at Team time. They didn’t even need the grown ups help to sing this one.......

Still image for this video

Pre-school will close for half term after session on

Friday 14th February and re-open on

Monday 24th February.


As part of the Pre-school routine, we have introduced Team time. This replaces Key person carpet time. The children are in different teams and will participate in Team time once in a morning and once in an afternoon. During Team time, the children take part in a developmentally appropriate activity and then have snack.

Team Green, Team Blue, Team Red and Team Yellow.


Is your child turning 4 before 31/08/2020?


Then you will need to apply for them a primary school place to start in Reception class in September 2020..

You can either fill in a paper copy by collecting one

at the main school office, when you return it here you will be given a receipt of confirmation or you can complete an online application by visiting: ………click Education and Families then School admissions then Primary schools then Online application services. You will then need to register an account (as this will enable them to email confirmation once your form is submitted).

The closing date for applications is 15th January 2020; however, we cannot stress the importance of completing the forms as soon as you know which schools you would like to apply for.



Pre-school will finish for the Christmas holidays, after session on,

Thursday 19th December and re-open on TUESDAY 7th January 2020.

From all the staff in Pre-school Room 1, we would like to wish everyone a very

smiley Merry Christmas and Happy new year. smiley

How amazing are your children! We are so, so proud of each and everyone of the children in Pre-school room 1, for a fantastic performance in the Christmas Nativity play.

Unfortunately, we were so busy getting the children ready, we didn't get time to take any photos crying High five boys and girls, you are amazing!! smiley

Happy birthday.x

Happy Birthday.x

Week Beginning 18.11.19.

Don’t forget it’s Meet the Key person - Have you made an appointment?

Ruth’s group - Monday 18th

Kerry’s group - Tuesday 19th

Mrs Folksman’s group - Wednesday 20th

Toni’s group - Thursday 21st

Robyn’s group - Friday 22nd

PLEASE NOTE- The Nativity play is now on Tuesday 10th December at 10am. Every child will receive a letter stating what part they are and details about costumes. If you are unable to provide a costume please let a member of staff know. Hope you can all join us to watch.

CHILDREN IN NEED - a HUGE thank you to everyone who bought cakes and biscuits and donated to our fundraising week for Children in need.

Happy Birthday.x

Week beginning 11th November - We will be raising money for Children in Need. At the end of every session we will be selling cakes/biscuits, which have been made by the children for 20p each.

If your child attends on a Friday, we are having a pyjama party. (£1 voluntary donation).

* Wednesday afternoon children - If your child is aged 3 on Wednesday 30th October, they have been invited to participate in a dental health check. if you would like your child to participate, please read the information on your letter and complete the consent form and return to Pre-school. If you would not like your child to participate, please let a member of staff know.

Don’t forget to return your Child’s consent form for the Flu vaccination,

if you wish for them to have it done.

Pre-school will close for half term, after session on

Friday 18th October and re-open on Monday 28th October.

How amazing is your child!

We are so happy with how well they have settled into Pre-school life.

They are all fantastic. smiley

