Over the next half term, we will be focussing our learning on Ourselves. This will include our families, pets, healthy foods and exercise, and lots of activities to promote our fine and gross motor muscles.
We have been using the play dough to make faces on the mats. We used our finger muscles to roll, stretch, tear, squash and mould the dough to make eyes, nose, mouth and hair.
Tuesday afternoon - On a Tuesday afternoon we have a P.E session in the small hall. The children will have access to this P.E session once a fortnight as the class is split into 2 groups - Group 1 are the children who will be going to primary school in September and Group 2 are the Younger children who will stay in pre school in September. The group that doesn’t do P.E in the hall, goes in the outdoor area to do a physical session.
This week it was Group 1’s turn to do P.E.
We focussed on exercises counting up to 10, such as, star jumps, jogging on the spot, hopping, touching toes and jumping to warm us up. We then used a variety of equipment for throwing and catching, such as, bats and small balls, footballs, basketballs. The girls noticed some hula hoops in the hall and asked if they could use those, the children were fantastic at spinning the hoop. Fantastic effort everyone!
Mmmmmmmm pancakes! On Tuesday, we had pancakes for snack. We could choose to either spread lemon, sugar, jam or chocolate spread.
Chocolate spread was our favourite choice.
We have been using the construction blocks to build with a purpose in mind, using the blocks to build and balance. We have done this either on our own or as part of a team. Look at our fantastic models. 😁😁