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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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W/B 19.06.2023

This week the children have been walking down to Wacky Warehouse in small groups to take part in a physical play session, whilst learning about exercise and why it is good for our bodies. Unfortunately we don’t have any photos of Wacky as the staff are busy on the equipment with the children but we can guarantee they all had a fabulous time!

We will continue going to Wacky next week too!

Following the children’s interests, this week we have been joining in with role play as hairdressers. Laura and Mandy enjoyed a visit to the Pre-school salon where the children washed, dried, brushed, straightening, curled and styled their hair.

If your child has brought home a Name writing pack, this is a wonderful opportunity for them to show you their fantastic skills which they have been working super hard on in class, in beginning to trace and form some recognisable letters of their name. Some of the children are at the beginning stages of letter formation, eg, drawing small circles instead of letters, this is perfectly fine and the letters will become to be more recognisable with more practice. Please just remind your child of the golden rule which is, to not colour in the letter template, they just do one line….they will know this already.
We are so proud of their efforts with their name cards!
