Hi and welcome back to our class blog
This is the fourth and final week of Monster Maths month and what an amazing month full of new learning it has been!
We started the week off with Coach Chris and he said we were so sensible that this week we could work on the apparatus. We look at different ways of moving, climbing under and over and explored different types of rolls. Take a look at us in action 
We have been busy developing our Reading skills and Mrs Houghton joined us in class on Tuesday to look at how we learn to read and to see the progress we have made during the year. I think it is fair to say she was very impressed!
We have been reading CVC words and talking about whether they are real words or nonsense words. It's lovely to hear the children using their RWI spelling knowledge to read independently. Here we are feeding the word monster.
We have also been learning about symmetry. We now know that it means whatever is on one side of the page needs to be the same as what is on the other. We used different different coloured paints to create a rainbow and then we cut out monster shapes and added features. Take a look at our symmetrical monsters. These are on the window in class so please take a moment to come and have a look.

We have also been busy learning about and describing 3D shapes. We have even used them to create repeating patterns. Ask us the names of some of these shapes, or even better, try to find cubes, cuboids and cylinders in the home. This would make a great challenge and I am sure that you will be impressed with what the children know.
We have also been using letters to create Alien names. We made some up and some Aliens had 'real' names. This is Tia's Alien called Bob.
We have also started our Mile A Day challenge. This is were we walk, run, skip,jump, hop or just about anything as long as we are active for 1 whole mile a day. On Thursday it was such a lovely day so we went out onto the field, we marched like soldiers swinging our arms and crept like tiny mice. It was so much fun and we will be doing this every day from now on.
And finally, we have been promoting our independent writing this week. We really want the children to have a go at holding a sentence in their head and writing it down. Take a look at three of our independent writers from this week. Well done.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine. Love from Staff and children in Reception W