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Y4F 2014 - 2015

Amazon Rainforest

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Over the last few weeks we have been redesigning the ALPS! Working in teams, we have followed our designs to make ALPS models and even created our own Minecraft ALPS. Check out the video of Bradley below. He gives you an entertaining tour of his teams Minecraft ALPS creation - 

Bradley williams.mp4

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Hi everybody, welcome back to the BLOG. Find out what we have done this week.


In English this week we have been looking at play scripts. We started off by looking at play scripts from Little Red Riding Hood, 3 Little Pigs and Jack and The Beanstalk. Some of us were brave enough to act them out in front of the whole class. We all know that play scripts include characters, character speech and stage directions.



Maths this week has been quiet tricky but really enjoyable. We have been looking at the bus stop method to solve short division questions. By using this method it has helped us divide large numbers quickly. We are becoming efficient mathematicians!




In Science this week we have looked at branching databases as a way of organising information. We went onto the field in teams and made our own databases! We then looked at each other's databases and asked each other questions to try and work out which object our friend was thinking of. Great fun!




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See ya soon!!


Year 4F







Hey, thanks for checking out the BLOG! What a fun week we have had in Y4F, read on to find out more...



In maths this week we have been working really hard with multiplication. It looked difficult at first but we used a technique called grid multiplication, this helped us break the numbers down into tens and units. We all really enjoyed it. 





In our English lessons this week, we have continued working on our wordless book - Flotsam. This week we decided that our 'wordless' book needed words. By looking at all the pictures in the book, we wrote our own version of Flotsam. There are definitely some budding authors in our class.   




Topic lessons this week have been really exciting. We have looked at the artist Robert Jennings, who is famous for painting pictures of rivers and landscapes. We used some of Roberts' paintings for inspiration and created our own river pictures, using oil pastles and water paints. Take a look at some of the beautiful paintings that we used as inspiration....



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Welcome back to the BLOG! This is what we have been doing this week –


Our English lessons have all been based around another magnificent wordless book by David Wiesner. This week’s book is called – Flotsam. We have discovered that flotsam is anything which washes up on the shore! Again the book is full of incredible places and wonderful images. We are really enjoying discussing what is happening on each page!

In maths this week, we have been learning about symmetry. It can be quite tricky, but by today we were all having a go at reflecting a shape across both a horizontal and a vertical line of symmetry. Mr Sherbourne was really impressed with how well we helped each other when we found parts difficult.

Our gymnastics routines in PE are really coming on. With our partner, we have now created routines which involve two balances, two shapes and different ways of travelling. We have to work as a good team to make sure that our moves are synchronised!  

Thanks for checking the BLOG.

Year 4 F

Friday 13th March

Thanks for checking out the BLOG! What a busy week we have had!

In our maths lessons we have been learning all about quadrilaterals and triangles. We have really enjoyed our shape work this week! Hey - What do you call a crushed angle? A rectangle (Wrecked angle! Get it?) Ha ha. 


In our English lessons we have continued looking at our wordless book -  Sector 7. We imagined we were newspaper journalists who interviewed the main character. We generated some wonderful questions and even did some acting! Some of us pretended to be the main character and answered the questions as if we had been to Sector 7. We have some fantastic actors and actresses in class!!

Our topic lessons have been about the river Thames. We studied the river from source to where it meets the sea. We found out about the many different uses for  the river and also some of the fun activities you can do up and down it!

Thanks for checking the BLOG. Hopefully there will be some pictures next week when our camera has charged up!

Year 4F 



Welcome back to the BLOG! What a super week it has been. Here is what we have been doing –


In our English lessons we have been ‘reading’ a wordless book! (If that makes sense?) The book is called ‘Sector 7’ and is all about a cloud factory in the sky. The illustrations are beautiful and we are really enjoying discussing the events taking place in the pictures.

Our Maths this week has been quite tricky. We have been learning different methods to help us with division calculations. Some of us have had a go at a technique called ‘chunking’. It is difficult, but we have enjoyed working out the answers to some challenging calculations!


Our Science lessons have been really interesting. We have been learning about the water cycle and this week we did an experiment to see if we could make rain! Check out these pics –



In PE we have been doing gymnastics. Working with a partner, we have explored shape and balances with our bodies. We then combined these to form routines. Have a look –



Friday has been ‘world book day’. We have all come dressed as our favourite book characters.



Thanks for checking the BLOG.


Year 4F

Hi there, welcome back to the BLOG!


We have enjoyed a super week in 4F. In our English lessons we have been thinking about persuasive writing. We went out to the ALPS and thought about why it is a special place for us and a habitat for many animals. We then imagined that a building company wanted to build houses on it so we wrote letters to persuade them not to! Check out some of the pics below –



We are still doing really well with our French lessons. We have even started writing sentences of our own. Read these - 

Liam - Dans le sac, il y a une panthere orange, un tigre  orange et noir et un guepard noir


Abigail - Dans le sac il y a une panthere noire et un furet gris et un perroquet


Jazmin - Dans le sac, il y a un cochon multicolore un dragon rose et un chat violet


 Jack - Dans le sac il y a un lapin rouge et un cameleon vert et un dragon noir.


Callum - Dans le sac il y a une panthere bleue, chez moi il y a un elephant vert fonce.


Aimee - Chez moi il y a un lapin vert, un serpent violet et une grande baleine bleue Claire.



Today has been brilliant! We have finished our Anglo Saxon topic by having a day of Anglo Saxon fun! First we wrote riddles and our names in runes (Anglo Saxon writing). After playtime, we went out to the ALPS and sat around a campfire like the Saxons would. We then entertained each other by reading our riddles and trying to work out the answers. We made toast on the fire and even drank (ginger) beer like the Saxons did!! It was great!


In the afternoon we have had a go at making walls like the Saxons did. They used a technique called wattle and daub, which involved weaving sticks together and using manure for cement! Poooo! Thankfully, we made our Saxon walls from pipe cleaners and paper mache. The results were really impressive!


Check out the pics below and have a super half term!


Year 4F

Friday 6th February


Thanks for checking the BLOG. We have enjoyed a great week in Year 4F. Read on to find out more…


In our English lessons, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We have all researched different endangered species and wrote about why it is important that we act now to save them! We even went out onto the ALPS and discussed the different animals which might make that habitat their home. Check out the pics –


During our maths lessons, we have been learning about mass. On Monday we worked in teams and estimated the weight of a range of different objects. We then used scales to see how accurate our estimations were. Great fun!

We have been learning the months of the year in French. Check out this video of a song we have learnt to help us remember –




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Thanks for looking!


Year 4F

Friday 16th January

Thanks for checking out the BLOG! We have enjoyed another super week in Year 4. This week our favourite lesson by far was in maths. We had to be the curators of our own museum - on fractions! In partners, we had to make a range of exhibits which displayed different fractions. We also created a mystery fraction for our friends to try and figure out. Check out the video below - 

Y4F Fraction Museum.mp4

Still image for this video

Friday 9th January

Hey!! Thanks for checking out the BLOG.

Well what a super first week back it has been! Christmas flew past and we’re now right back into our tough but fun Year 4 work. In Maths this week we have been learning about fractions. We have used cubes to make fractions and even learnt about equivalent fractions.


In our English lessons we have been doing some poetry. On Tuesday we wrote our own Kenning poems. Each line is only 2 words long and gives clues about the subject of the poem. Here is Christopher Hayes’ Kenning poem, can you guess what it is about?


Human lover

Toy eater

Shoe destroyer

Food muncher

Cat hater


Over this half term we will be taking part in healthy lifestyle lessons on Thursdays. Our first lesson this week was great fun. We discussed the importance of eating healthy food and being active. We played some great games which help us to keep active. Check out the pics below. We even wore pedometers to record how many steps we took during the lesson.


Thanks for checking the BLOG


Year 4F

Friday 5th December

Thanks for checking out the BLOG! Read on to find out what we have been to…


Our English lessons have been really funny this week. We have been studying poetry and reading poems by Allan Ahlberg all about school.


‘Nobody leave the room.

Everyone listen to me.

We had ten pairs of scissors

At half past two,

And now there’s only three.’

In our Maths lessons we have been learning about statistics. We had a walk around the ALPS to consider which area was our favourite. We then collected this discrete data and made bar charts. The next day we measured the temperature of water over a period of time. We reperesented this continuous data using a time graph.


During our Science lessons we continued to learn about electricity. This week we have been testing out different objects to find out if they are electrical conductors or insulators. We made circuits and tested lots of different classroom items. We found that the metallic objects were conductors and the rest were insulators.


Check out some of our wonderful French speaking in the video below!


Thanks for reading

Year 4F

French Speaking

Still image for this video

Friday 21st November


Thanks for checking out the BLOG!

We have enjoyed another super week in Year 4. We had an exciting start to the week as on Monday morning a theatre company came into school and performed a version of Sleeping Beauty for us! It was brilliant. Our favourite part was when the baddie soaked Mr Sherbourne with a water pistol! Ha ha.


During one of our Maths lessons, we went onto the ALPS to do some measuring. We worked in small teams using trundle wheels to measure distances. By the time we were nearly finished, we had started to make very accurate predictions about how many metres away certain places were.



In Science we have continued to learn about electricity. This week we experimented with some electrical equipment to see if we could make circuits which made a bulb shine and a motor spin. It was really interesting! We even made simple switches!


Despite the bad weather on Friday, we managed to get outside and create a huge class Rangoli pattern outside our classroom. We have learnt how in India many Hindus make Rangoli patterns outside their homes during the festival of Diwali. Using chalk, we worked together to create our pattern. Check out the pictures below.


Thanks for reading

Year 4F

Friday 14th November

Welcome back to the BLOG!

Thanks for taking the time to have a look at the fabulous things we have been learning in Year 4.


This week in our Maths lessons we have been learning about measuring length. We have measured in mm, cm and m. We have also discussed how longer distances can be measured in km. We have used rulers, metre sticks and tape measures. Next week we are hoping to do some measuring on the ALPS.


We have been very creative during our Topic lessons. We have discussed how Hindus design beautiful Rangoli patterns. Using the computers, we have had a go at designing some ourselves. Check out our designs below –


We have also used clay to make our own Diya lamps. These are special candle holders which Hindu’s use to decorate their homes during the festival of Diwali. After we had shaped our lamps, we left them to dry and a few days later we painted them. Finally we decorated them with sequins and glitter. They look brilliant!


Our computer lesson this week was really interesting! We used an online program to create our own music! There were many different types of sounds to choose from. With a partner, we created some incredible tunes!! At the end we even made a song as a class and sneakily recorded Mr Sherbourne! Ha ha. Check out our tune below.

Thanks for reading

Year 4F

MC 4f Bass Classic beats.wav

Friday 7th November

We have enjoyed another super week in Year 4. This is what we have been doing –


Mr Moore visited us and asked to take a class picture. Here is one of his shots of us. Read on to see another!


In Maths this week we have mainly focused on multiplication. We have learnt a new technique called ‘grid multiplication’. This allows us to multiply 2 and three digit numbers! Tricky stuff!! We were also set a challenge to work out how many blocks were needed to build a tower with 5 steps and down. We worked out it was 25. Next we had to work out how many blocks we needed to make a tower with 7 steps up and 7 steps down. We worked out it was 49. Eventually we agreed that if we multiplied the amount of steps to itself we would find the answer without needing to build the towers! 7x7=49 5x5=25 etc. 


We really enjoyed our French lesson this week. We were learning how to say different animal names and their colours. At the end of the lesson we even had time to play a game – hiding ‘le petit chat’ (small cat) and directing our blindfolded friends to finding it!


In Science this half term we are learning about electricity and light. Our lesson this week was brilliant! We made our own battery! Using bottle tops, wire, nails, a bulb and lots of smelly vinegar we managed to make a reaction which generated enough electricity to power our bulb! It was amazing!


Thanks for checking out the BLOG!

Year 4F

Click on the link for Friday 24th October below to view the assembly video.

Friday 17th October

frown smiley surprise

Hello and welcome back to our BLOG!


It has been yet another action packed week in Year 4!

During our Maths lessons we have been learning about decimal numbers. We have compared decimals to fractions, rounded decimals, ordered decimals and thought about where we see decimal numbers in real life. After impressing Mr Sherbourne so much with our decimal knowledge, we were given some time to play a game with counters. We had to use our understanding of Roman Numerals to try and get 4 counters in a row before our partner! It was great fun!


During our English lessons we have been rehearsing and practicing for our upcoming autumn assembly. We are all excited to perform our assembly, but we don’t want to say anymore because we don’t want to spoil it!

We have started designing our own Egyptian treasure chests in our topic lessons. We have added ancient Egyptian features to our designs and some of us have even included hieroglyphic codes! Once our designs are complete, we are all going to make our treasure boxes.


Our friend, Leon, left Westfield today. We will all miss him and want to wish him good look at his new school. 

Thanks for reading, hopefully we will see you at our autumn assembly on Wednesday!

Year 4F


Welcome back to the BLOG!


It has been another action packed week in Year 4. This is what we have been doing…..


In our English lessons, we have started reading fantasy stories. This week we have been reading a story called Dragonory, which is all about a mean dragon who will not let anyone pass his bridge unless they pay money. Eventually he gets tricked by a clever boy called Toki. We have enjoyed the story and have even had a go and writing our own.

Our Maths lessons have focussed on ordering, rounding and positioning numbers. Today we started to learn about Roman numerals. Mr Sherbourne says we are going to be learning more about this interesting number system next week!


During our topic lessons we learnt about the gruesome way ancient Egyptians made mummies. We discussed the process the Egyptians completed to make a mummy (which includes the dead person’s brain being pulled through their nose). Finally we made posters to explain the process!!

In Science, we have continued to learn about solids, liquids and gases. This week we completed an experiment to find out if we could make ice cream without a freezer. At first we thought this might not be possible, but we now  know it certainly is!! Check out the photographic evidence below…….



Friday 19th September


Welcome back to our BLOG. It has been another super week in Year 4F. Read on to find out what we have been doing………

On Monday we presented our work to the rest of the children and teachers on the middle phase. Because we are the oldest children on the corridor, we were asked to be the first to do an assembly. We talked about our Maths work and our topic – Ancient Egypt!

In our Maths lessons we have been learning a new method for addition calculations. It is called ‘column addition’, Mr Sherbourne says we have picked it up very well!


Roald Dahl has continued to be the focus of our English lessons. We have studied his auto-biography and compared it to various biographies of his life. We know so many facts about Roald and his truly amazing life! Today we wrote our own biography of Roald’s life! Keep checking the BLOG for our upcoming work on Roald Dahl!


In Science we investigated different solids melting points. We used candles to melt chocolate and butter then measured the temperature at which they melted. It was great fun!


Thanks for checking the BLOG.

Year 4F


Hello and welcome to Year 4F’s first BLOG!


We have enjoyed a wonderful start to our time in Mr Sherbourne’s class and we have already done lots of exciting and interesting things! Read on to find out more…….


In our Maths lessons we have been learning all about shape. We have explored 2D shapes and their properties, coordinates, angles and even translation! We are shape whizz kids now!!!


Our English lessons have been so interesting. We are learning about biographies and auto-biographies. We have started by looking at a biography of Roald Dahl. We have discovered lots about his incredible life. We noticed that many of the weird and wonderful characters who appear in Roald’s stories were based on people he met in his life!!

In our Science lessons we have been exploring states of matter. We have carried out different experiments and found out that solids can sometimes act like liquids! We have also experimented with ice cubes to see how fast they melt and how their temperature changes when they are not in the freezer.


Our Topic at the start of Year 4 is the Ancient Egyptians! It is fascinating learning about this ancient civilization. We have used atlases and globes to locate Egypt and compared the climate there to our climate in England. We created line graphs to highlight how much warmer it is in Egypt! We are really looking forward to finding out more about the Egyptians in the next few weeks.

Our computing lessons are amazing! We are learning how to create computer games. We have been using a program called Scratch to input code which moves our character around the screen. Hopefully we will be able to create our own computer games to share soon!


Thanks for checking out our BLOG!


Year 4F
