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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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  We have been practising two songs in French as some children from year 4, will be taking part in a Kermesse event organised by the ambassador from Angers on behalf  of Wigan Council.

I think you will agree this is a fabulous opportunity to show case our hard work in learning these French songs, all the children practise each week and are excited to share their singing expertise.

Again lets celebrate 97% attendance, a small push for 100%, we can do this..


Well done to Jack Cullen who not only got our pupil certificate but was also chosen as pupil of the week by Miss Lodge, and was awarded the trophy to take home for the week.

Can we remind all parents PLEASE help our children in becoming fluent readers by listening to them read each night, don't forget to sign their planners.

Thankyou for your continuous support.


Enjoy the sun, have a lovely weekend, see you all Monday..  

Cauliflower - all y4 children.avi

Still image for this video

A walk with the wolf.avi

Still image for this video

  Hello again,

 Lets celebrate again 99% attendance, again so close! thank you everyone for your effort in achieving 99%.

 This has been another great week in 4W, we have some children that have successfully achieved their gold badge in spellings.

Mrs Dwyer's favourite subject PE, this has been the most exciting PE lesson by far, we have been using the horse and spring board, the children have fully enjoyed this activity. Adam Lewis received a class certificate for  achievement in PE.


Please don't come to school on Monday 2nd May, as this is a bank holiday, we will see you on Tuesday for a short school week.

Bye from Mrs Forsyth, Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Dwyer.






  Lets start off with this week with celebrating 99% attendance for pupils,

  So close, come on 4w you can do it..

  We are also celebrating pupils who have achieved their spelling badges, each pupil in 4w are practising and retaining new tricky spellings, please parents lets encourage and help our children to achieve their own personal spelling challenge. (some of our children are practising every night)

 This week we are starting a Research Journal , this project is to be completed at home, the topic is all about someone famous. We have researching on the internet to help the children record facts..

Have a lovely weekend.... Love from Mrs Forsyth and Mrs Dwyer 

  Hello again,


  Another good week in year 4, this week we have been celebrating the eighth birthday of Norbert the Bear, we enjoyed the French party food and dancing to French music.

Thank you for attending parents evening it was lovely to see you and celebrate your child's success.


French Song

Still image for this video



Hello again

Another fabulous week in y4w, we have studied the poem The Owl and the Pussycat, resulting in the children writing a newspaper report on these events, the children were thoroughly engrossed and have produced some fabulous pieces of writing.

In science we have been doing experiments on the digestive system,

1 plastic bag

1 slice of bread

bottle of coke

placing the ingredients into the plastic bag and squeezing the contents,

the coke acted like the acid within our stomachs, the children have labelled the digestive system in their science books,

Did you know we have 30 feet of intestines in our body?






Hello again,

  In English this week we have been reading letters from various coloured crayons to Duncan.  Today we have written letters to Duncan from a coloured crayon of our choice. All this work has been based on the fabulous entitled The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt.


In maths we spent this week finding out about fractions, resulting in the children creating a fraction exhibit for our fraction museum, have a look at the pictures below.




   Happy New Year

   Its good to be back, and the children have all returened to school eager and ready to work.  We are now focussing on reading.It is essential that your child reads each night and returns their reading diary to school each day with a signiture from you to say they have read.

You wont believe how much of an impact this will have on your childs reading progress and we thankyou in anticipation of your support.


Week beginning 28th September



In English this week we have been learning the rules about writing speech.

New speaker, new line    

Use a capital letter at the beginning of speech

Any punctuation goes before the speech marks close.

We wrote a small piece of speech and Mrs Forsyth was impressed as the children tried very hard to remember these rules.


Swimming---All the children thoroughly enjoy their time in the water and are trying really hard.. This week the children were jumping in the water and some children in the small pool were confident enough to start to put their faces in and under the water… In the large pool we had jumping in and swimming at the deep end…so well done everyone.

This afternoon we have made ice cream in our science lesson….WOW….it tasted really good…

Happy Birthday to Jack, who celebrated his birthday on Monday.

Have a great weekend …think the weather will still be lovely.

Love from Mrs Forsyth, Mrs Willcox and Mrs Dwyer



  Hello again

A flying spaceship was spotted over Westfield Community school.

Eye witnesses John and Tony reported a suspicious object has been discovered in the ALPS..




Year 4W went to investigate and found a large, sparkling alien egg WOW!

Why Westfield the children asked?

The following day our classroom had been invaded by aliens, there was powerful evidence to suggest the alien had hatched from the egg, and roamed around the school premises. We believe that he even chose our classroom to have a look around and a little sleep. We have photographic evidence, so check it out, you won't be disappointed.

To celebrate this themed week, we have produced a wonderful report based on alien life forms and their planets.

Each paragraph of our writing contains a lead sentence , a fronted adverbial sentence, a noun, who and although sentence. The children have produced some amazing writing, WELL DONE EVERYONE.
